Smurfette The Hussy
One dream had a program on TV in which a dragon showed up. First I think it was a cartoon, but then it was like a Muppet; it may have switched a few times along the way. Dad and I were watching. One of us said it was supposed to be or just looked like Pete's Dragon, but then one of us said it wasn't; I think I said the neck was too short to be him. Then the camera panned up and it did have a long neck, and it looked almost exactly like Pete's Dragon, but he might not have had hair, and he had a mean grin on his face. Like he was up to something. It was sunny where he was, and I feel it was a parking lot, but he was looking down to the left at this other guy who was surprised to see a real dragon. I thought he might hurt the guy. Then out of nowhere Smurfette appeared and kissed the dragon in a VERY friendly manner. o_O Smurfette and Pete's Dragon?? I have written down "other animals" which I think means she went around kissing some other animals, like farm animals, but I can't remember. Very strange. Smurfette was quite the hussy!
Glitter Dresses
One little dream had me in my bedroom looking at two sequined dresses. Rather than sequins it's like they were made of some kind of metal mesh or something, made up of little tiny circles of metal (metal plates, not rings), less than a centimeter wide. Yet they were very flexible and light. Like little studs or something. In my notes I jotted down "glitter dresses" because of the way they caught the light and sparkled. The metal seemed to have a satiny effect; it wasn't glinty, but more soft. I know this has a particular name but I can't recall it. In any case, I believe one was fuchsia and the other was bluish-gray or grayish-blue, more "real" looking. I sat on my bed facing the east wall, holding up one dress, then the other, and letting them trail over my fingers. I was going to wear one somewhere. I even imagined myself wearing the dress but it was short, like a top, and I was wearing short tight pants or something underneath it because I wanted to look attractive (though I probably just would have looked cheap!). It seemed to be nighttime or evening as my light was on. Never really decided on one or the other.
Change Of Schedule
One dream had something to do with Toonami, but by now I can't recall what it was. I think they had changed their programming and I felt it was kind of weird. It may have been afternoon but still light outside.
I think another part had to do with a bath or taking a bath, but I can't remember that either.
Katchoo Confined
This is the sixth dream I had after the death of my cat, Pepper, on October 26th. (She was put to sleep after suffering an age-related illness. She was about 20 years old.)
Here is the dream of the night that stuck with me most. When I woke up I felt distressed and upset until I remembered this dream, and now I don't feel as distressed anymore, which is odd.
I can't recall how it started or ended or even what order it went in, but I noticed that my rat, Katchoo, was chewing on the top of her cage, on the short end (I was in the dining room or near it), trying to escape--and escape she did. I ran into the room and caught her before she could go far--she seemed more intent on just wandering around than running away, but when I put her back in the cage she was almost desperate to be out again, and again started chewing. I may have snatched her back a few times from different parts of the house. I was upset that she was being such a brat. WHY didn't she want to stay in her cage? She was threatening to get out again so I inspected the top of the cage, hoping to find a way to stop her. I found two grooves or holes she had chewed side by side near the top--the cage was plastic now, instead of a glass aquarium. (I call it a cage.) They looked like half moons at the very edge. I tried several different methods of putting the lid on tighter, taping it on, etc., but each time I moved away from it she'd be squirming her way out again. This was so bothersome!
I eventually consulted Dad and he informed me I'd have to do something to the sides of the cage--move them in closer to one another--to obscure the hole so she couldn't get out. Now I held the four walls in my hands--they were much smaller than in real life--and stood near the footstool, pressing them in toward one another. It was like a shrinking room--you know in adventure movies when all the walls are closing in? That's what I was doing. It seemed to be plastic still, and there was no bedding in it; I'd taken Katchoo out while I did this and just slid the walls in. It was kind of sloppy. I thought I did it too much and so tried to pull them out further, but Dad said I hadn't done it enough; she'd still be able to escape. I had to do it more, so I did. I think then I set the cage on the floor. Then I went to get Katchoo to put her in it. It appeared to be daytime now, late afternoon but still shining, as light was coming in the west window.
I put Katchoo in and now I was REALLY upset. There was hardly any room for her in there! She had just room to stand, not to run, lie down comfortably, stretch, or anything, just to stand. She was so constricted! I felt so awful for her. I couldn't keep her confined like that!
But then...it wasn't Katchoo in the cage, it was Pepper. o_o My deceased cat. She may have looked somewhat like Cosmas, but it was her. I put her down in the cage and she stood there with this unhappy look on her face, facing the dining room. It's true, there was room only for her to stand, not to do anything else; she wouldn't even be able to sleep comfortably. And this bothered me no end. I could NOT keep her in such conditions! So what would I be able to do?
I never seemed to reach an adequate solution. I know that in one part of the dream Dad and I got into a fight over something and I went to my room and turned on the light (it still seemed to be late daytime outside). I had a lot of ceramic or porcelain figurines sitting on my bookshelf and elsewhere and I just started taking each of them and SMASHING them against the east wall, right beside Dad's bedroom--I'd take one and hurl it and it would shatter into a million pieces. I did this with just about every one. All my little dream figurines. (I don't have this many in real life.) I seem to remember a unicorn figurine I do have in real life, and smash it went, I was so angry.
As I did this I regretted my behavior already--I'd collected these little things over the years, people had given them to me, and now I was destroying that which made me happy, just to show my fury. And Dad wasn't coming in to demand what I was up to, so my plan was failing. I knew I would regret this once it was done but once I'd started there was no turning back. I had to break them all.
I finished tossing most of them--I don't remember ever seeing their debris--when I noticed I'd forgotten a few very important ones. Three little dog figurines my brother had given me a long time ago, in real life. I used to be crazy about dogs and he'd gotten me those, an adult and two puppies. (I can't recall the exact number in my dream.) I don't think the real ones are ceramic; they might be resin. In the dream I grabbed onto those and hurled them at the wall as well; couldn't let them remain intact. They hit the wall with a thunk, but they didn't shatter. They just fell to the floor, whole. I think I picked them up and tried again, with no luck; they just wouldn't break.
I wasn't as upset by now, so I wasn't incredibly frustrated that they wouldn't shatter; I seemed more resigned or "ho-hum" than anything. Like my anger had just dissipated and drifted away. I don't remember the argument that started this, but perhaps it was me arguing with Dad over keeping Pepper/Katchoo confined in that tiny cage. I couldn't do it, even if it meant she would escape. It was just too painful.
2001 Dreams