Clouds Like Art
I know that there was a dream about taking pictures of clouds or a sunset. I recall spying a strange cloud formation in the west, north, or northwest and going to get the camera; the clouds looked artificial in a way that I can't describe. They also looked sort of "artsy"--like a painting. I remember glancing around at other clouds in the blue sky and seeing little white splashes like paint. I tried framing one with the camera but it was difficult, and I believe I instead focused on the original, more interesting cloud. Ma seemed to be with me in that dream.
Attack On The Governor's Mansion
This was the main dream of the night, but it's vague by now. I was at some sort of family gathering or social function out in the country, but there were lots of trees around; it was just this remote area. Lots of big fields with tall grass, and I know there was a marsh nearby, as at one point I wished to go walking out by myself and I started out barefoot, only to realize my feet would get wet; so I went back in to look for my sandals. I wasn't incredibly self-conscious as I would be in real life. I know that Dad and Ma were there; Dad in particular seemed to be around a lot, with me. I wasn't upset or anything; I felt quite neutral or detached throughout most of this one. There were a lot of other people around in this house. I feel it may have been a bit formal, but not overly so, since I was comfortable there (besides, I had sandals!--how formal could it be?). I can't really describe the house at this point, but I know it was large, probably at least two stories, attractive and rich looking; probably in wood tones or with lots of wood and beams. Surrounded by grassy fields; the grass was all brownish and it may have been springtime or autumn, not hot out, but not cold, and overcast, possibly humid with the threat of rain. The marsh was nearby, possibly at the end of a dirt trail since I seemed to be walking on one. (I never did reach my destination, but I remember looking down at marshy grass or moss and seeing the glimmer of water below me in the spongy ground.) And there were also trees around, possibly some conifers or evergreens. All the colors were dull and washed out--browns, brownish greens, blacks and grays.
People were just walking around eating and such. We had a purpose being here (I probably just came along with my parents), but I don't know what it was. While we were there we heard something about a building called the "Governor's mansion" being bombed or on fire. (I can't remember which, but it didn't seem to be a random event--it seemed purposeful.) The Governor's Mansion is the name of a real building on Mackinac Island, but I don't THINK we were on the island, so it may have been a different one. It was a big white building, slightly rectangular, several stories. Not very attractive. Some of us went outside, as I guess the mansion was on this building's property. We walked around the left side (facing the house) out back and now it was like I was just standing there musing over the ruins myself. The mansion itself was mostly intact--can't remember any smoke or blackening--but it looked as if the whole front had been sheared off so you could see all the little rooms within, just like cubicles. Ever see pictures of what happened in Oklahoma City? It looked a lot like that. Just a lot of little rectangles all in rows, lined up along the side of this building. We believed it had been some sort of attack, but we weren't sure by whom.
Missing Ratings
This dream had to do with something that happened yesterday (the day before yesterday) at
Stories.com. I discovered, in real life, that my "Dreams" journal, which had seven ratings, had gone down to six ratings. The rating itself hadn't changed besides this. This disappointed me somewhat as it has so few ratings for so many entries and I would prefer more. I'm not sure what happened, and can only guess that one of the users who rated it was deleted from the site.
In my dream, up by the "Mailbox" link on the main page, there was a sort of "general" rating in bold that was given to your portfolio as a whole. I'm not sure if the stars rating itself showed up, or just the number of ratings, but I do know that I saw the number. My general rating, in the dream, HAD been something like 39, but now it was 28 or 29. I'd lost about ten ratings! What had happened? I checked out some of my other items to find similar things had happened--ratings had disappeared by the handful. I had the fear that ALL of my ratings would eventually vanish, and I'd be left without any! This was a horrible thought for someone who's been on the site half a year, so suffice it to say I was freaked out.
Waking up and logging on to find it was just a dream was somewhat of a relief. ^_^
2001 Dreams