My New Black Kitten
This is the first dream I had after the death of my cat, Pepper, on October 26th. (She was put to sleep after suffering an age-related illness. She was about 20 years old.)
While napping on the couch, I dreamed that I had a tiny black kitten. (Pepper, as you may have guessed from her name, was black.) I sat on the couch exactly as I did in real life and let it crawl around on me. For a moment it rested against my arm and I cradled it. Then it squirmed and crawled around some more and I laughed and exclaimed to Dad, who was nearby, how cute it was. The thing was, I wasn't certain if it was male or female, thus I wasn't certain what I should name it.
I picked it up to look at its underside. I thought that if it were a boy, "Lucifer" would be a cool name. I had no idea for a female name. It's as if its genital region (only it was on the underside) was hairless, as if shaven, and there was a bit of blood here. I was a mite bit concerned but not worried; for some reason this was to be expected. But I couldn't tell what sex it was, so I didn't know what to name it.
2001 Dreams