Square Clouds & Purple Horses
This dream was actually from the day before yesterday, I believe, so it's very vague.
In it, I wanted to go for a ride down the road on my bike, so I took it out and off I went. It was very nice outside, though kind of hazy and seemed as if it would rain later that day. It seemed to be mid- to late afternoon in summer. As I went out into the sideroad I briefly thought of a user on Stories.com, DH, whom I don't know very well but have seen posts from. I can't think of why she showed up in my dream, or rather, why her name showed up, as I never saw her or interacted with her. I seem to remember strange yellow things in the road that I ran over--like tiles or plastic shapes or something. I know DH was sad or upset about something and perhaps she too was going to take a ride to clear her mind; I knew she was upset, but she was going to work her way through it somehow.
I reached the end of the road and turned left onto G., the road I ride down when it's nice out. The big fields near the end of the road seemed to come earlier than they do in real life, and I turned to look left, perhaps checking to see if it might rain. My eyes widened. There wer square clouds over there! I would have to draw a picture to convey this properly. It looked like big planks or pieces of board, edges turned toward the viewer (me); they were turned VERY slightly to the right (that is, ends to the right, sides to the left), so I could see them fading into the distance. They didn't seem long, but they were tall and narrow. Smoky whitish gray. All lined up side by side, perhaps four or five of them, just these big rectangular clouds sitting above the horizon. I don't remember seeing where their bottoms or far edges faded into oblivion, but it was quite impressive nonetheless.
"WOW!" I thought, and immediately lamented that I hadn't brought the camera! <:( What a horrible time to miss a shot. I briefly considered my options, and decided I'd ride down the road hurriedly, turn and go back home as usual, get the camera, and come back to take the pictures, praying the clouds wouldn't have moved or faded away TOO much by then. Besides...it still might rain. Resolved and anxious, I pushed harder on the pedals and off I went.
I can't recall if I passed anything else before I came to this next scene, but eventually I came to what may have been either the intersection or closer to the end of the road. Now, on the right, I saw a house with an enclosure beside it, fenced in but of a good size, and grassy. The house reminded me of this old schoolhouse down on the corner of the road in real life. In the enclosure stood at least two horses, grazing. The one on the left may have been lighter colored, but the one on the right was the one that caught my attention. It was brown, just a normal dark brown horse; but when the hazy light (it was overcast now) hit it just right, its plain brown fur shimmered...purple. :D Like this beautiful, lustrous, iridescent light purplish lavender. How gorgeous! I think I turned away and looked back at it again, to make sure I wasn't seeing things, and the horses looked up at me and sure enough, as I passed them the light created a purplish sheen on the brown horse's fur. I rode by them, smiling to myself. What a beautiful day today was turning out to be.
Pass The Shrimp & Pancakes, Dear
This dream was actually from the day before yesterday.
Later on in the evening in real life I dozed off on the couch and had at least one tiny dream snippet that I can remember. In it, my family--Ma, Dad, myself--sat out near where the computer is, having dinner together. VERY weird. I feel we were supposed to be like Dexter's family on Dexter's Laboratory, with his weird mom and dad and all. Instead of the faux wood-panelled dining room, the place seemed more like a kitchen or cafe, with pale aqua-tiled walls and tabletop and perhaps floor. All very pale, all very icky Fifties-style stuff with fluorescent lighting. Blech. It was nighttime and dark out. And at first we were eating shrimp of some sort; I remember chewing on one, then trying to dip it in something. I thought of this shrimp in lobster sauce I saw on a menu in real life and have been obsessing about for a week! After we finished that (I was sitting directly in front of where the computer would be), I had some sort of square plastic container with something in it. At first I tried to shake it out or cut it and saw it had the same look and texture as pancakes, just made in a differently shaped container. I tried to get it out but when I finally did it was more like just cupcakes or cake rather than pancakes. Drat. I looked around for syrup and I may have taken a bite, but I can't remember by now.
Shrimp and pancakes...well, it seemed normal enough in the dream.
2001 Dreams