Poor With Technology
My tape player has the annoying habit of kind of going "out" in one speaker while I play a tape; that is, one speaker quits broadcasting as loudly as the other, and finally seems to stop for the most part. Sometimes I stop it and check it out on radio instead, other times I tap or hit the player. Not a good idea, but I do it anyway as once in a while it works.
In my dream, I had a different tape player--this one was bigger and blockier with detachable speakers attached. And one was refusing to play properly. (It seemed to be very early morning, dim outside but daytime. *sigh*) It played okay in one speaker at first, getting weaker and weaker in the other until my player which was supposed to be blaring at full volume was now just sitting there murmuring to itself. Damn thing!
So, of course I started shaking, then tapping, then hitting it. I set it on my bed and flailed it around, slamming my balled hands against the speakers. By now I was so angry I WANTED to break the thing. I don't know if I just got caught up in something else or if I finally did break it, as the dream switched.
If they were not in fact the same dream, this then shifted into "MASH Is Always A Classic."
MASH Is Always A Classic
This dream, if it was not the same one as "Poor With Technology," then shifted out of it.
I went out to the computer and was playing on it (late afternoon-evening), listening (and kind of seeing on the screen like it was there with me) to MASH. Hawkeye was on and so was that commander of theirs, the second one who liked horses a lot--Colonel Potter, I believe. They were in his office or something. I can't remember exactly what they talked about but it had something to do with bobcats as a mascot, perhaps at a high school (I have written down what could be either HS--high school--or lts--lieutenants). It was a funny episode and somebody was awarded something. It had to do with stamps; perhaps those were part of the prize, or the winner would have their face put on one? Anyway, I know that Radar showed up temporarily to do a chore but then left. Then Hawkeye and Potter were talking about the winner of whatever this was. Turns out that the prize apparently went to the wrong guy, and the REAL should-have-been recipient was crying about it. But he was a jerk anyway, I think, so the situation was all right, everybody laughed, the end. :)
Camo Rat & The Flu Bug
This dream had to do with a character of mine, Camo Rat, the first commander of the Trench Rats. (See my fiction if you must know. It's a furry story.) I was riding my bike, I believe around in the dark, probably around my house, possibly down the road near my house as well, and kind of pretending to be him. *blush* I think music that I liked may have been playing, New Age or instrumental? I remember clearly riding my bike across the front lawn toward the road--going northwest--and there were leaves scattered across the grass, crackling and crunching beneath me as I went in slow motion. I realized then it was cold out and winter was approaching and I had no idea when THAT would be. It was overcast, getting toward late evening, growing dark. I probably didn't want to run over anything with my bike; those leaves were like living things or like ice cracking beneath me already. So I think that after riding like mad around the house and garage a few times, I was tired and decided to go in. Then I started thinking about how the story would go if Camo were around and got hit by the flu bug that appears in The Trench Rats. Naw, I thought, make it different--make him and a few others become exposed to it during their own involvement in the Trench Rats, not afterward, so rather than be expected, it will be UNexpected. (As most of the fiction is unwritten, this makes little sense. ^_^ )
That seemed to be it...
2001 Dreams