Catch That Morph!
Vague by now.
This dream had to do with this "furry" (anthropomorphic animals) story I read part of online, called "Simion Lonewolf." It's here: FurryFiction.com This is one of the sites where I first learned about the genre and became interested, even though I really knew of it all along. (I just never knew it had a name or that other people wrote about it!)
In my dream, Simion was running around morphing. Strange. I remember he ran out into the street in some big town (maybe around the size of Petoskey or Traverse City), snarling and yapping and yelping and flailing his arms like mad. Some people were chasing him--perhaps his friends from the story, trying to catch him before he hurt himself. (By "morphing," I think he was changing so he was part human or something.) I seem to remember it was overcast and kind of dingy looking outside, and he was running toward this big ugly white building on the other side of the street, slightly off to the left. There were also some bad guys involved; perhaps they were chasing Simion for some reason.
This dream may have then shifted into or been continued in "Fight The Man! Break Stuff!"
Fight The Man! Break Stuff!
This dream may have been a continuation of or may have shifted out of "Catch That Morph!"
Ew, jeesh...I should have taken better notes. I'm STARTING to remember...I do know that Ma and I went into someplace, perhaps it was our house; I know it was later on, but I'm not sure if it was supposed to be at first. We went into her bedroom near the closet and there was some kind of tall shelf/stand (amber colored?) with lots of ceramic (porcelain?) mugs and plates on it. I think they were this muted bluish green, teal-like color; very pretty. And...we started smashing them. We just kept picking up these mugs and plates and tossing them and dashing them to the floor. CRASH! Was there any rhyme or reason to this? Who knows...but I think we had some reason to fear bad guys ourselves. The smashing had something to do with that.
Pennies also had something to do with this dream. I think perhaps there was a bowl, like a frail little wicker basket, sitting on this stand, maybe with some pennies in it. I feel that they were a bit green and dirty; old pennies. I can't remember what I did with or to them though. Did I throw them? Maybe I got ready to hoard them, because I think the bad guys were coming, and Ma and I were in a hurry to not get caught, even though I believe we knew we would; we felt this sense of dread. And I think that finally the bad guys did show up, soldiers of some sort. (We may have been in MY room at this point; it was dim and had a feeling of "oldness"--by that I mean, as if it took place quite a long time ago...can't really explain it adequately.) I'm not certain if they really DID show up or if we even saw them, but Ma and I didn't fight; neither did we beg or plead or anything. We just surrendered with this defiant look, and they knew they wouldn't get anything useful from us. (And if they weren't really there yet--then they would know when they showed up!)
I'm not sure if it was the same dream or not, but in one part--perhaps when we were breaking the dishes or doing whatever with the pennies?--I looked down into my rat's cage--only in the dream it was the hamster's cage--and I had a dwarf hamster, who was acting the same way as my rat. I don't know if the lid was off, but it kept jumping up as if to get out, like my rat does in real life. It would jump, and then jump again; and it was jumping pretty well, getting better. Cute, but I didn't want it to escape!
In real life in the cage there's this round hole where a vertical tube should go but I misplaced it a long time ago, so I would put a little jar over the hole; in the dream, this jar had been taken off, and as I watched the hamster crawled up out of the hole, ready to escape. Agh!! I had to stop what I was doing to get it back! I'm not sure when or where that dream took place, in my room or the living room or what, but it didn't seem quite as stressful as the part with the soldiers.
2001 Dreams