Handbags For Self-Injurers
This dream was from 8/27/01 but I didn't post it because I didn't remember it well, and now I remember it even less. :)
It had to do with Ma and myself, possibly also Eric and Shannon, pulling in at a store that at first seemed like Glen's. At least the parking lot did. As soon as we got in it was completely different. Some sort of cozy-looking novelty store. I remember they had a selection of items for self-injurers. That's quite odd, but that's how it was. I went further toward the back...the store seemed so familiar, like a card store or some store with a Native American theme I might have dreamed about before. Everything in earthtones, and carpeted, warm lighting but not too bright. Back here were some of those tall turning shelves, you know the ones, like those that sunglasses are put on for display. Only there were handbags, I think, on it. They looked as if they were made of hemp or something, natural colored, but they had some dyed highlights like the strap and perhaps something written on them in dark blue or purple, etc. They were meant specifically for self-injurers. Not that they were any different from normal handbags, but I guess these guys were looking for a market. I mulled over these and may have tried to point them out to Ma, who was toward the front of the store, but she didn't really get it.
I have written down also "little animals?" meaning there may have been little toy figure animals, but I don't remember them. There was more to that dream.
Pointless Dream. Really
This dream is from 8/27/01. I can't understand what I have written down for it; it says "weird ??? (word unintelligible) site, Yahoo! profiles, rl___." That one word might start with an N or an R, then looks like a U, then an N or an R again, and if it's an R it's followed by an I (I think), and it looks like it ends with an R. /:( I really have no idea what that says or what it was about. I do remember there were some strange Yahoo! profiles involved, and one started with the letters "rl." Can't recall what happened though. I think this person had more than one account or else was going to sign up for another one. It WAS weirder than that.
Yes, I Can Be That Stupid
This dream is from 8/27/01. It had to do with me recording the show Mobile Suit Gundam. In real life I do a timed recording and time it to go off a few minutes after the show is over. Since Dragon Ball directly follows it, I have to get up a bit earlier, stop the recording, and manually deprogram it so I can then record DB. In my dream, I think I had timed the recording, but then I got up and came out and stopped it halfway through the program! The dream seemed to pick up where I was checking out a new(?) tape to record on and I think the first ten minutes were blank because I had skipped them. I thought that was a bit much, but oh well. Then I realized, hey, I had stopped the recording before it was over!! The show was still on as I watched! Now I was really irritated. Why had I done that? I considered doing something, I'm not sure...putting the tape back in and recording (even though I'd obviously missed some)? Recording over the ruined episode? Picking up the recording after the commercial break, where I had cut it off? Whatever I planned to do seemed to make sense when I first thought of it but then the disadvantages outweighed the benefits so I sighed and decided against it. Stupid moron that I was! Why did I do something like that?
So I ended up missing the second half and guessed I would just have to record it next time. Stupid stupid stupid!
2001 Dreams