The Bathroom At St. Francis's
For some reason, Eric and Shannon figured big in my dreams last night. In this one they, Ma, Dad, and myself were in some kind of store. I can't remember this part very well; I have written down "tiki god?, show them story? about him, they say it's not slick enough," etc. There was some sort of important person in here that MAY have been some kind of god, like a Tiki god, but I wasn't certain if that's what he was when I wrote this down hence the question mark. Also, I showed somebody (him--the god?) a story (?) that had to do with him but he said it wasn't "slick" enough for him or to represent him. I'm not sure if I wrote it or not.
Getting a bit clearer how, hopefully; I went wandering around the store. It reminds me of a store we went to in real life in Mackinaw City, some novelty store where Ma got Eric a Spartans license plate. Discount Barn or something like that. ;P I went over to the left side of the store (my right because I was facing the door) and there was this toy terrier book (a book shaped like a terrier) sitting on the shelf. I'm not certain what kind it was; maybe it was kind of like a Jack Russell. It was cute. Then I noticed a smaller version of it, very tiny. And then I believe we got ready to leave the store to go home.
At this point I said, "I HAVE to go to the bathroom before we go," because it was a long drive back. They looked at me like, "Why now?" "Look, I either go NOW or we have to stop somewhere before we get home," I insisted.
They talked amongst themselves and somebody mentioned some parks or roadside stops. I think these roadside stops were churches, as one or all were called "St. Francis." Somebody said, "Do they have a St. Francis in Indian River?" (We were going to pass through Indian River, I guess.)
The answer seemed to be yes, so then I said, "All right, then we stop at St. Francis's in Indian River, and THEN I'll go to the bathroom. But you're going to have to stop." And so we left and at some point finally got home. (Apparently without stopping anywhere, after all!)
This dream may have then shifted into "Cruel Streak."
Cruel Streak
This dream may have shifted out of "The Bathroom At St. Francis's."
Again I can't recall this very well. I guess I went over toward the front porch and there was a lady outside who wanted everyone to join a new website that someone in real life has been advertising in the Club. I think perhaps I told her to leave--not rudely, just said, "Not interested" or "I'm going elsewhere" or something. I really didn't want her advertising. And then the creator of the website, D., was angry with me. Don't know how I got in touch with him...hm. Anyway, he walked away, if he was even by me (you know how dreams are), and I stood there with this "Well, FINE" attitude. I started to turn away from the door when I noticed a huge black beetle crawling around on the porch. It's like the door was open and the porch was almost at eye level. It was sunny outside and probably late spring, leafless trees and dry brown grass. I heard the sound of sweeping and figured somebody must be...sweeping our driveway. Then I wondered if our driveway had been paved anytime recently? I didn't THINK so...so they must be sweeping the bare earth. Strange, but I guess it could happen. I think I turned back even more to look again and there was that huge black beetle with this thick bumpy carapace. It was really big, maybe about 4-1/2, 5" across, and shiny black or dark brown. Horny shell. For some reason it really disgusted or frightened me, so I tried hitting it with something--it ended up being a long wooden stick--and I brought it down, CRUNCHING the shell several times. I finally CRUNCHED it once more for good measure and left it there. It was still in one piece, but I knew I had killed or, at the very least, wounded it fatally. I turned one more time to go back in and perhaps then I realized that the beetle was really a turtle. Whatever it may have become, I felt absolutely awful then. It hadn't been hurting me, and I'd made it suffer. Why had I done that?
Deprogramming Is Not Fun
One small dream had to do with me accidentally deprogramming the VCR remote--AGAIN! In real life you do this by pushing the TV and Mute buttons within 20 seconds of each other, and of course, this is VERY easy to accidentally do. ~>:( Luckily I know how to UNDO it now. Still, in my dream it was like a cross between accidentally deprogramming it (when you do this, it can't work both the VCR and TV, just the VCR--I pushed TV to get to a channel, and then I pushed mute--AGH!!) and forgetting to program the VCR to record properly. (I've been doing timed recordings lately. They're detailed and stressful.) Of course, this upset me. (It seemed to be daytime and Dad was around, maybe Ma too.) I was pacing around the TV with my remote, fussing, and had to dig around for the manual again. Then I kept screwing up. I think I turned it to channel 5, then for some reason you're not supposed to have it on that channel when reprogramming the remote or whatever, so I changed it to 32--I knew that wasn't right either but by now I was about to say "Screw it." Then I noticed a slip of paper taped up to the cabinet with the instructions on how to reprogram it, just like in real life. Jeez, I'd looked around for nothing!
And then I had a dream I had written that dream down already, when I hadn't.
Where Is The Damn Bathroom?!
In this dream...I was at what I assume was Eric's house. It looked much different. A lot bigger, with lots of rooms that led into more rooms that led around into more rooms. Very easy to get lost or go in circles. This reminds me of a varying house I've dreamt about before so it's nothing new. The walls were all this beautiful blue color, it's like it was dark and light at the same time. Very calming, but also sad and somewhat cold. I realized I really had to go to the bathroom so I went wandering around looking for it, of which I knew there were at least two, probably more. One was in my brother's bedroom, like in real life.
I wandered through a few rooms and hoped I didn't run into anybody. I think I came near my brother's bathroom but decided to find the other one, which in this dream was nearby, near the back of the house. I came to this back room that I guess I had to go through in order to get to it, and...Ma was in there, waiting or working or something. It looked just like the back room where she works. A complete and total MESS. Bright ugly lighting and yellowish walls. (Not sure if it has yellow walls in real life, but I know they aren't pretty blue!) Stuff and papers EVERYWHERE. I peered in here and I didn't want her to see me, or else I was now in the bathroom and her door was open, as I feel I wasn't "decent." "Ma, would you please go into the other room?" I asked.
And she kept arguing with me and refusing. I was getting so mad. It was SO easy for her to just go into the next room, but she wouldn't! Thus I couldn't get through or go to the bathroom here. This REALLY got me angry. I finally yelled, "FINE!" and left the room, going back to find the other bathroom. I was so upset. I think I passed a group of Shannon's girlfriends, perhaps those who were at her wedding, and tried to act normal so they wouldn't notice me. I think I went through an arched doorway like in our house, only bigger, maybe. Oh yes. I was also crying. I'd started crying when arguing with Ma but it hadn't swayed her. I came into this one room sort of on the right and peered around the doorway to my left. I just barely saw Eric; he and Shannon were on the couch, kissing. No, not doing anything more, but I didn't want to interrupt them. I left the room before they could notice and I think I finally found a bathroom and went in, but I closed the door only partway so people, such as her friends who were nearby, could see in. I just could not win in this dream.
Going Buggy
Again, I had a dream I was writing down all the dreams I had had, when I hadn't. It was so real. Hm. This one ended up being particularly disturbing. I sat on my bed writing them down when I looked down at my floor and saw a weird bug crawling around. I ignored it and kept jotting down notes only to notice, a bit later, a SECOND big bug crawling around. Ew, this was gross. One was some kind of funky, maybe red and black thing I'd never go near in real life, perhaps with a long proboscis. Yuck! The other looked like a beetle. I got up and peered at them, ready to squash them. (Forget about the other dream "Cruel Streak," heh! ^_^ ) Then I noticed a teeny-tiny little fruitfly-type thing drifting around, and looked up at it. Then another one. And another. I paused and looked more carefully and now noticed that my room was just FULL of these tiny flies, rising up and landing all in the same big section of my room. I saw that there were one or two big dead plants here that I had neglected to water and so they'd just shriveled up and died. And like they were a corpse, the flies were attracted to these, I assumed. "I have to throw those out," I mused, but then realized it was too late--I was infested! This was SO disgusting!
I let out a whining yell and waved my arms around, trying to shoo the flies off, but of course all they did was fly up and land again, buzzing in little clouds. Now for some reason it's like my light was off and I tried to turn it on, thinking this might draw the flies away, so I got out of bed, turned on the switch, and quickly sat back down on the bed. Only to look up and notice--
The light wasn't on. It was dim!
Confused, I got up and followed the same procedure, turning the light on. I have no memory of moving back to my bed, but when I was sitting there again, the light was once more off. It's like I kept zoning out and turning it off again!
Now I was THOROUGHLY freaked out. Not only was I surrounded by icky bugs, but I was having bizarre memory lapses as well! Terrified, I got up and fled my room, going out to find the phone to call Ma. I knew she and Eric and Shannon were in Mackinaw City, perhaps at a hall, doing something. Somehow, I believed I could get in touch with them by phone.
I got into the dining room. It had been dim brownish-gray when my bedroom light had been off, and now it was light out but perhaps overcast, like early or middle afternoon. I reached the phone (it was closer to the near edge of the table) and picked it up, and recited Ma's work number (I don't know why, but that was the number I was supposed to call) in my head, but--
I couldn't REMEMBER her number!!
Frantic, I wracked my brain. What WAS it? A number, 555-6622 (of course the 555 is fake, you think I would give out the first part?), popped into my head. I knew it was her WORK number (though it isn't in real life, I don't think), but for some reason she would be there or her boss could get me in touch with her. I tried the number and...a message from the local meteorologist started playing. I'd called the weather center!! I hung up and tried to think of another number. But nothing would come. I got so desperate I pulled out the phone book and tried to look up--what? What would I look up? I had no idea where she was, just that she was somewhere in Mackinaw City--and that's a big place when you want to call somewhere! I think by now I was crying. I kept scanning the phone book and poring over the buttons on the phone, unable to think of a thing. My brain was just STUCK. I dissolved into tears but then I looked up toward the bay window and noticed a car pulling in the driveway, coming from the direction of town. An old car, like a '57 Chevy, pale baby powder blue and white. And--the whole front of it, including the hood, was smashed in and horribly mangled. Eric was driving, and Ma and Shannon were with him. Overwhelmed with relief, I ran out to the back door to open it for them. (Some part of this dream made me think of the Men In Black, perhaps it was the car or my brother may have dressed like one.) I got to the door and opened it and they started coming up, but then I backed away so I didn't look so desperate; I felt stupid now, and didn't want to explain to them why I was so panicked. Why HAD I been so panicked, after all? Some bugs and a poor memory? Strange...
Do I Yahoo!?
In one tiny dream I had downloaded Yahoo! Messenger and first I was going to call somebody (??), but then I decided, "Eh, I'll just use the Messenger!" Then I wondered if I should leave it on so people would know I was active online. Something I probably wouldn't do in real life.
Manitou Island Meets DBZ!
One dream, which may have been in the same dream when I was at Eric's place, "Where Is The Damn Bathroom?!" involved me running around out back of his house; it was springlike again, balmy but dry and brown. He had a big backyard edged by trees and/or other people's property and it was sunny out. I suddenly thought of a story that I was writing which involved the characters from Dragon Ball Z interacting in another storyline, perhaps one of my own making like Manitou Island or something. I feel I myself may have had something to do with the plot, as a character. I suddenly realized this could count as fanfiction. Hey, I could post it at FanFiction.net in the Crossovers category and get more readers, since fanfiction is more popular than original fiction! Perhaps it would draw attention to my original writing as well. I was a bit nervous, but remembered that I was having great fun with this story (I do remember Bulma was involved), so figured why not. It couldn't hurt. I also remembered that the DBZ characters themselves didn't show up until the second chapter, as the first chapter was a sort of prologue introducing the enemy/threat, so I'd better write a good summary to draw DBZ fans in and keep them. I walked along, perhaps on a log or something, and went over my plan.
Night Flight
One dream dealt with some others and myself being out in our long driveway at night. It was dark out, but the porchlight must have been on. We were just standing around talking. The others were all guys, perhaps older than I am, but I knew them somehow so wasn't nervous. Maybe they were related to DBZ somehow? At one point they all grabbed each other's arms and locked into a circle, then they started spinning, perhaps one letting go so they were in a line instead of a ring. And they just went faster and faster. I watched them, amused.
Then one of them grabbed onto me, or somebody else picked me up and added me so one grabbed my hand. I protested that I didn't want to, but I think I was laughing the whole time. I was shy about it and self-conscious but not afraid. I grabbed onto the guy's hand to avoid falling and soon I was rising up through the air--they were in a spinning line yet turning in circles very quickly, so quickly that I rose upwards--imagine yourself with a piece of rope and you're spinning with the rope aimed outward, what does it do?--it floats on the air as if weightless. That's what I was doing! Centrifugal force, or something. ;) And it was a great deal of fun, "flying" at night. Despite my protestations, I enjoyed it.
2001 Dreams