JAG Shenanigans
This bitty dream snippet is, I believe, from the night after I had the Vegeta dream, "Vegeta In Love," though I may be incorrect. It is very very vague.
It had to do with the show JAG being on TV. It was a commercial, actually, and it may have been on USA. It was very long and drawn out and followed some sort of pattern, like events kept escalating, I believe. At the very climax, the view, from overhead, moved into some sort of trailer park in the desert or something--I remember the ground was reddish-gold and dusty, the sun was making long shadows on the paths/open areas between the trailers (not a shred of grass to be seen), and the narrator finally mentioned something about a murder, maybe--can't quite recall. But now I saw a dead horse lying on the ground, and this had something to do with a murder; perhaps the dead horse WAS the murder, but I feel a person was dead somewhere too. I remember seeing the chubby guy from JAG (Bud?) and he looked bewildered. It was meant to be somewhat comedic, though with a murder and a dead horse, it was kind of hard to keep thinking it was funny! ^_^;
Big Eyes, Impossibly Small Mouth
This dream, probably from the night after "Vegeta In Love," had to do with some woman's online artwork. I was browsing through her stuff and came across a term I'd never heard before. I think it was a guy's name, pluralized, like "Freddies" or something. I didn't know what it represented--it was some sort of fan term--so I kept looking around in hopes I'd figure it out. I finally came to another page that sort of explained it, though I was still confused. First, part of the definition was that "Freddies" (or whatever they were) had small mouths--anime small mouths. "OH!" I thought; "it's an anime term." I kept looking and now "Freddies" (or whatever) had an additional meaning. I can't recall the exact term used, but it may have been "studies" (as the plural noun of study). Now "Freddies" (or whatever!) were anime characters who were particularly studious, and I guess when they studied a lot their mouths tended to get smaller from the concentration. On this page (I didn't seem to be at my home computer--it was more like a locker room with white cinderblock walls or something) were some thumbnails and descriptions of some characters this woman artist had perceived as being "Freddies" (really, I'm not sure if that was the name used, it's just the only thing I can think of).
Among them was Lita/Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon. I was surprised when I saw that--Lita's not the studious type! Yet on this page there were pictures and she had this look of concentration on her face, and it had made her mouth small and her eyes this weird shape; they were like thick black lines, the way characters' eyes look when they get annoyed. That was apparently another aspect of the "Freddy" look. And yes, she may have had a book or something in front of her. Well, this was surprising. I'd never seen Lita in this light before.
I looked around to see if I knew any other "Freddy" characters. At first I thought I saw one from Tenchi Muyo!, but then I didn't recognize the name, and the rest of the names were characters from animes I've never seen, like Inu-Yasha and stuff. (No, I didn't see that particular title, but it's an example.) After looking for a while I still didn't recognize any others.
The Mercurial Light
Now, this is a dream that I had earlier this morning, after midnight August 22. I dozed off on the couch and had a tiny dream. In it, Ma and Dad and myself all seemed to be at home, it was night, and I was sitting on the couch. I looked out the left north window and frowned, puzzled. It was dark out, night, but it was brighter than it was supposed to be. There was some kind of weird light, a glow out there.
I frowned and got up to go take a better look at it, pointing it out to Dad. I seemed to have trouble making it out; when I got to the window, again, I saw the unnatural brightness outside, and a glow in the north-northwest, but couldn't tell what caused it. What was that light? It's like the possible explanations kept changing. First I thought perhaps it was a light on a neighbor's porch, as I could see their porchlight from the window at the same time as this other light. But then I knew that wasn't what it was. Oh, could it be the moon? No...the moon was there, right to the left of it, obscured by a haze or clouds so it was the palest gray disk hanging low in the sky. So...what WAS that weird glow?
I kept pointing it out to Dad and asking what it might be, but he didn't say much, he had no idea either. He was just vaguely curious but I REALLY wanted to know what it was! I think it kept changing, too, while I looked at it, as at first it was like a bright glow--my very FIRST thought on seeing it was that there had been some kind of nuclear explosion, although this glow was constant and not flashing--then it may have looked like a sharply defined, static light in someone's yard, then it may have been a vaguer glow behind the trees. (I couldn't really tell where it was coming from, in front or behind.)
It really had me unnerved. I didn't know what it was and that scared me. Was it...a UFO? By this point that seemed to be the most logical explanation! But before I could really get a better look at it, the glow began to fade, so I couldn't guess what may have left it anymore.
2001 Dreams