And Now, People's Exhibit #1: The Giant Q-Tip
In this dream, I was having lots of trouble with the big piece of cardboard covering up my window. It kept falling over, I kept sticking it back up, it'd fall over, AGH!! It was driving me nuts! I remember closing my blind and hoping that would hold it in place, but it didn't work very well. I can't remember what I did to fix it, if anything. But then I left my room and I was watching Law & Order: Special Victims Unit on TV. Thing is, it was Thursday night. And Jack McCoy was on! Oh well. For some reason McCoy was acting as a sort of defense attorney, not for the defendant, but maybe for someone testifying. Very strange. (I knew it was SVU as Benson and Stabler had been on earlier, maybe Munch, and I think it was on USA.) Anyway, McCoy asked some kind of question that he shouldn't have asked (he really wasn't doing a good job) and the defense stood up and said, "Objection!" The stuff McCoy was talking about, the judge had earlier said it couldn't be brought up or used as evidence. The objection, of course, was sustained. McCoy looked like a surprised chicken. Now, somebody got up--was it the defense attorney or the defendant?--not sure, but he was a fat guy, REALLY fat but short and round, perhaps with tight clothes, and he was carrying a huge yellow...Q-Tip. o_O Yes, he was carrying that thing around like an American Gladiator or something.
It seemed to have yellow on the cotton too, or perhaps the cotton was yellow, though I don't think it was used, and if it was, nobody was overly disgusted. This thing was HUGE. I mean, literally, you could BEAT people to death with this thing. He walked up to the front of the courtroom with it, saying something like "Oh man, this is SO gonna work!" Not sure if that's what he said...I do remember he used the word "SO" in that manner, but not exactly what followed it. He seemed jubilant for some reason. Perhaps the Q-Tip would help his case.
Sunsets & Trains
The sun was...rising or setting...probably setting, in the west. I got the camera, of course, and out I went! Oh yes...I also put on my jacket. I stepped out onto the porch and it seemed to be fall or late spring as it was balmy out but the trees were bare and things were brown. Windy, but nice. OH! I get ahead of myself. When I got my coat, it was lying on the chair at the head of the couch, where Ma was sleeping, and I accidentally woke her up. "Sorry," I said, "go back to sleep." But then I realized she hadn't done my hair! Weird timing in this dream. "OH, wait!" I exclaimed to her. "I still have to have you do my hair!" Since that takes a few minutes, and I wanted to get my pictures, I waved my hand and said, "You go back to sleep, when I come back in I'll wake you back up and you can do it then." Well, that was thoughtful of me! :P
I headed for the door and she called at me, something like "You're still online!" I had been on the computer when I had decided to take the pictures. She must have thought I intended to go outside for a while and forget I was online. "I know," I said in return, "I'll be back in."
And so I went outside, it was windy, but not too bad. Maybe high sixties, low seventies. I went out into the long driveway and stood at the end, facing west, with the wind whipping my jacket around me (it seemed to be duller, not bright teal), and I suddenly pretended I was my character Luther Broderick, standing there in the wind looking all ominous and stuff. <;) Whatever.
I have written down "rabbit in driveway," but I tend to think it was in the yard off to my right; if it was in the driveway, I must have moved to the side. In any case, I turned and saw a small brown rabbit sitting in the yard, also facing west. (It was sunny out but late or early as the shadows were growing long.) I smiled at it. "Bigwig?" I thought to myself. "Hazel? Fiver?" I thought "Fiver" would be most appropriate, since it was so small. I may have started walking toward it, or just moved, and it hopped away. Darn. Oh well. I lifted the camera and took a picture of the sky above the driveway, where the clouds were brightest and the trees not as much in the way, though they did seem to keep getting in my line of sight. The clouds were slightly below the treeline which was why it was a bother. (Perhaps it WAS autumn as the sun doesn't set that far to the southwest until winter gets here; in summer it sets in the northwest.) I think I took a few pictures...this is odd because the sunset must not have been dramatic enough to keep my attention, as I can't recall what it looked like...and then I started wandering around the yard.
My brother, perhaps his wife, and a group of their friends (?) showed up out of nowhere, and I decided to hang with them. We just walked around like a group of teenagers, me still taking pics. I noticed that the battery was reading "dead" so I shut the camera off to preserve it, as I'd had it on this whole time. We walked over to the sideroad and I think we all started talking, or they chatted while I listened. I liked their company though; I didn't feel left out. I noticed that the clouds to the south, over the highway, were starting to look interesting, so I held up the camera and started shooting. At that moment my brother decided for some reason to walk south down the highway--so there was no way I could take a picture without getting him in the shot. !! Darnit, Eric! He turned back to look at me a few times, as if joking; I decided to take a picture of him and the clouds instead, and waited to get him in an interesting pose, but he started to turn when I snapped so he was in mid-turn, not really looking at the camera, when I previewed the picture. He was wearing a baseball cap, and perhaps all his clothing was white or light colored, even the hat.
At this point, some guy driving a big dark blue pickup truck came up the opposite sideroad (it's a dead end...then again, so is the one we live on!--it's like a junction of two sideroads and the highway). He reached the end, opposite us, and then did some kind of big U-turn, squealing his tires really noisily in the process. Then I think he did it again. Eric re-joined us and we watched the idiot do this, like he was trying to get our attention. Over the squeal of his tires and the roar of his engine I yelled, as loudly as I could, "MORON!!" The others seemed surprised and perhaps thought it was a bad idea, but I think I got courage to say it from having them around me. I wouldn't have yelled it otherwise. I don't think he heard me though, as he just went on his way. Idiot.
And now...a train came down the highway, heading north. :) This one just never ends, does it? I think Eric pointed it out when it was to the south of us--"Take a look, you might want to get a picture of that"--and so I got the camera ready. It was a small train, with a classic-looking engine and different-colored cars, including red and yellow. Like a mini train, though it was still taller than I am and bigger. It seemed to be slow at first but when it started to pass I couldn't seem to get the right shot that I wanted, so I finally just clicked as the engine passed us, to the north, and looked at the preview. (The previews were bigger and clearer, looked more like real photos and not an LCD screen.) Seems that the train had been partially blocked by...STATUES of trains...that now flanked the road we were on. Yep. There was a small yellow train sculpture to our left and to our right, both on pedestals or columns of some sort, at the mouth of the road, like this was some kind of weird tourist spot for train lovers, and the black engine of the real train was partly blocked in the photo, on the right, by one of these little yellow trains. (By little, I mean they were maybe three feet long, a foot or so high--possibly a bit bigger.) Not only that, but it had been moving quickly when it passed, and/or I had joggled the camera, so it was slightly blurry, and overall just not a very good shot. I sighed and gave a rueful smile and showed my brother the picture. I found it ironic that my train picture was ruined by a train.
After that I have written down "more clouds pics"...and so I guess I just started taking pictures of more clouds after that. What else to do!
The Slave Paper
In this dream, I was in the dining room near the computer and picked up a "fake" newspaper lying on the table. It made me think of those false letters and articles I've gotten with my Alone In The Dark computer games, they're just props meant to make the game more realistic. One of these real-life items was a little newspaper with articles related to the game and to Lovecraft (who inspired the game). That's what this was in my dream, a "fake" newspaper just meant to be interesting. It featured one of my characters, D., from a story I have not posted yet under my own name. Really strange in this article, it hinted at all sorts of weird things I haven't really intended for this guy. He's supposed to be a bit...strange. I won't elaborate. ;) This article at first hinted that he tended to hang out a lot with the "slave boys"--I feel there were some young boys who worked in mines or something, they weren't really slaves anymore or they had been freed--they were Indian (India) or black, can't recall which. When the article first said this, I thought it meant he was a pedophile! "HE'S NOT LIKE THAT!" I told myself with disgust. But then it clarified. It said that since he hung out with these boys a lot, he was ACTUALLY having some sort of affair with the father of one of the boys. Eeeeesh! I had never intended that either, though it was certainly better than what they had first hinted at. I get the feeling they had first made the statement about him hanging out with the boys just so readers WOULD get that false first impression. It was some sort of tabloid or sensationalist rag. Well, they'd certainly made my character look shady. There was also an odd word in here beginning with C. I almost wrote down what I thought it sounded like, and it was a real word, but I didn't, so I can't recall. I just know it began with a C and it was supposed to be some sort of special foreign term for the young slave boys. You know how the Japanese people have different names for Japan-born Japanese, American-born Japanese, stuff like that? This name was similar to that concept. I got the feeling these boys were all poor and Third Worldish. It was dim in the dining room when I saw this, pale white light outside, no lights on in the room.
Necklace Troubles
There was some stuff before this dream but I ended up with this...thingie...that was at first supposed to be used to hang necklaces. It looked like the tread of a tank, without the part in the middle--just an oval tread that kept its shape. It had a back but no front. It seemed to be grayish or grayish-greenish-blue in color, perhaps seven or eight inches wide, five inches tall, and maybe three or four inches deep. Ribbed on the outside and with little pegs on the inside to hang the necklaces on. I'm not sure of the order in which I tried to do these, but the different things I did with this device were: sit on the floor in my room looking at it; try to give it to my rat as a toy (I think the rat didn't really care for it); then decide to try out its actual use, as a necklace hanger. This is the deal though: With its size, it wasn't very useful for hanging necklaces. I went into my room and sat down, sorting through my necklaces, and tried hanging them in it, but I think I had to "tie" them from side to side--left to right, strung up across the middle--and I had to do more than one on the same "peg," so they were all bundled together. So...it was kind of pointless for separating necklaces. (It seemed to be nighttime, by the way, as my light was on. I sat near where the chair in my room used to be--I think it was still there--facing the southwest corner of my room.) And yes, I do think a few necklaces got tangled, or else already were tangled, and I had to untangle them. Then it's like I put a few stuffed owl toys in it, stuffed them in upright. I had more than one, at least two, maybe more, and I put them in there so they looked out at me. They were bigger toys, but it's like they somehow shrank to fit in there, without me doing anything. I think one was white and one was tannish colored. But...they had these SMILES on their faces that were unnerving. I didn't think they'd stay in the container very well so I took them out. Then I put the container aside and looked for my sinus pills because I had a headache.
They were sitting behind me on the chair or drawer. I took out three for some reason, then I had some sort of mental thought about somebody wanting to commit suicide with the rest of them. Not sure if I meant me or someone else, it was like I was taking what I needed and leaving the rest for them. But it was just a thought, not like somebody was getting ready to come in here and do it.
The Deadly Princess
One little dream fragment concerned a picture of a princess (?--a beautiful Medieval lady) who had stabbed a prince/knight (?--handsome Medieval guy) with a dagger. I'm not sure why she did. I can't remember if he was being too overbearing, or if he was just trying to win her, or if he had even attacked her, but she had ended up killing him. In the picture, she stood to the right, facing the viewer with this neutral look on her face. I feel she may have had long red hair, very pale face, eyes half closed. The prince or knight or whatever knelt to the left, head down; he grasped a sword in one hand, and I can't recall if he had a hand to his wound. The sword puzzled me at first. I think it was red. So hadn't she killed him with a DAGGER? What was he doing with this bloody sword? Where was the real murder weapon? (But then I think I saw she had a bloody dagger of some sort in her hand, so that explained it; the sword must just be his weapon.) The sword seemed to be in his left hand as he faced right, and I could see only part of it since his body blocked it. At first I thought he just knelt (when I couldn't see the dagger), but then I took a closer look. Now I saw that his eyes were closed, his face was an unnatural gray, and I think there was blood on his front. It looked like it had been painful. He still knelt upright, and may have still been alive, but he was slumped over and certainly going to die. Around them it seemed to be beautiful green grass and trees, perhaps a forest, and the picture seemed to be on a decorated (illuminated?) card of some sort, larger than usual (perhaps around five or six inches tall, three to three and a half inches wide?), but rectangular like a card. And I couldn't stand that strange NEUTRAL expression on her face; it was maddening! She looked CRAZY!
Got Milk? Got PLENTY!
In real life Dad has started complaining about the fridge filling up with food items again. In my dream I went to the fridge (perhaps tired of his nagging) and found like three to five containers of milk in there! "Take a look at all this milk!" I snapped, knowing I hadn't put it there. Most were open, in various stages of being emptied. I think at least one had even gone bad, and I believe I took it out. I wanted him to know that not all messes were MY fault!
And that was all.
2001 Dreams