I HOPE That Was A Burp...
This one was a dozing dream, very odd. In it I was wandering around certain parts of the house, particularly the dining room and the bathroom, thinking about the same character scenario I mentioned an entry or so back, in "Poor Brooks," I believe. I was considering elaborating on it (in a way that I have decided I won't do in the real story) and was going over the details in my head. The whole of the house was in dim blue so it was early morning, and I know Ma was still home, probably awake, but not very. (Not very awake, that is.) I wandered into the bathroom now and it was the same color of dim blue, which is impossible since it has no windows. I kind of stood in the doorway and suddenly felt pressure in my head from my sinuses. I opened my mouth and...air started to come out. WHEEZE out, actually, very loudly. And it just kept going and going! It sounded like a fart coming out of my mouth! o_o I stood there facing the tub letting out this SOUND, and I knew Ma, in the living room, could hear it. "Heh," I kind of wheezed while I was doing it. "Excuse me!!" I also laughed.
When I awoke from that dream, my throat felt as if I needed to cough and cough. Very strange.
I'm Gay! Awesome!
This dream had to do with some girl's website and on it she was talking about her experiences. Apparently, she was just learning about gays, and I guess she found out she was one, or something. Very odd. She talked about it like she was very excited and happy to find out, like being invited to a party or something. Some part of the site had something to do with submitting articles of your own. There was no accepting process, they would take everything, though items were subject to the ratings whims of their readers. I wrote and sent in some article and I believe it was posted. But then I noticed a few other articles posted by former members of KP. One was from S.; I have written down "prez," so maybe her article had something to do with the president, or she was called Prez, or whatever... Another was written by B., the one who has made me angry by failing to ever write to me. Her article was very well liked by visitors to the site, and I felt inadequate and stupid with my article being up there by hers. S.'s article was liked also, but somewhere it was said (in a review?) that this was so because of the "sarcasm" she used. S. is not normally a person to use sarcasm, so I was puzzled. I think I then went to ask her about it. I have written down "need to join site 1st?" So...perhaps I needed to join the site before I could contact her, or maybe my article wasn't posted yet and I needed to join before it would be. After seeing the glowing reviews left for B., though, I didn't feel I should bother. I was jealous.
The Trusting Bikes
In this dream I was in some kind of store or mall with others; I know Ma was among them, and we were just a group looking around. This is very vague and hazy and I know there was more to it. I was very tired whenever I wrote this down, and couldn't get all of it, it seemed. Anyway, in the dream, we came to this section of the mall where there were dozens of silver (?) bikes hanging in midair, below us; so we must have been on some sort of upper level, looking down into this sea of hanging bikes. I particularly remember the metal coverings over their wheels (so they must have been old-fashioned bikes?). They were just suspended there. And now the situation had to do with trust. Apparently we were supposed to lower ourselves down onto the bikes (they were in this big section to my right--the whole mall seemed to be in blues and grays and silvers) and TRUST them to stay afloat, or else to carry us to the ground safely. Well...I had a problem trusting. The others with me, they seemed to be fine with it. Some of them climbed out onto the bikes and either stayed afloat or drifted to the floor. (It was REALLY far down.) Even Ma got out on one and was all right. But I didn't trust the bike to carry me safely, since I'm afraid of heights, and my distrust was the very thing that would cause the bike to fail me.
I took a breath. Everyone else was leaving me, I HAD to trust these things. I finally crept out onto one of them and it slowly began to sink. I was nervous, but apparently, my trust was great enough that the bike wouldn't fail me.
Zap-Pool For Dummies
This dream may have come right before "I'm Gay! Awesome!" In it I was in some strange place, in a BIG but nice room (wooden floors?--a tavern-like look, with big windows lining the far wall?--I feel it was public), and there was this big pool table in the middle of the room. But it wasn't a normal pool table. It was for some other sort of odd game involving things that were like hockey pucks or those things they use in curling. Different colors, and slippery. I think first I watched a game, interested. It was for one player, I believe. Then I had the chance to play, and I decided to take it.
The game involved this small boxlike thing, concave curved sides, pale gray or ecru colored, with a little (LCD?) screen on it--black with flashing red. It was similar to a little TV screen with possibly knobs and buttons on the sides and back. Can't explain it. The knobs or lights would flash at different times, and you were supposed to press them when they did or you would "lose." After you had pressed them, you were supposed to use this device to play the game on the pool table with the "pucks." So...I decided to do so. I took the little box and held it in my hands, pressing the buttons when it flashed at me. It "went off" making a noise and started talking to me, a man's voice, somewhat mechanical, but I can't remember what it said; it was like a command or something. I took it over to the table and attempted to start the game.
I had some difficulty though. I think you had to pay to play this game, so either I was going to pay, or this was a trial version. Dad and my brother, I think, were watching me. And I seemed to be falling behind. I went to the table and held out the device and it "hit" (more like zapped) one of the pucks/balls (?--they may have been similar to pool balls at one point), sending it across the table and down a hole, around in a tunnel inside the table. Interesting!
Some older grizzled guy standing with my family--perhaps he worked here--leaned toward my dad and told him that that wasn't the way the device was supposed to be used. Apparently I was doing it wrong. *sigh* Go figure. I think he said that you had to push JUST the right button at JUST the right time, and I had delayed pushing one button when it had gone off, so...I guess I wasn't playing the game properly!
The Usual Suspects
This is just a dream fragment I scribbled in the margin. I have written down "walking down dim hall to get suspects?" And that's it. I guess I was walking down a dim hall to pick up some suspects like I was a cop or something. No idea about that one!
The Anubis Tome
I went to the KP Club at Yahoo! to find that the main page had been changed. This was odd, since the founder of the Club hasn't been around in ages. Someone else must have been made cofounder, somehow. The colors were different--shades of blue and purple, I think--and the welcome message had been changed to put an emphasis on a serial that was being posted in the Club by one of the members. The serial was being written by L., so I assumed the cofounder must be her. I looked at the "Last edited by" and true enough, there was her name. I had the feeling she had "made" herself cofounder in the founder's absence, and I had no idea how she'd done it--but suddenly I wanted to be a cofounder, too! Wah. In real life I'm posting a serial there, so in my dream I felt that I now had "competition" and was jealous that she had been able to plug it on the main page. She's a nice person, though, so I pondered the possibility of asking her to make me a cofounder, or else to plug my own serial as well. I was awfully shy though.
The Club now had something to do with Stories.com, like it was that site. Our member names reflected our status on the site--bold for upgraded members, yellow briefcase for Preferred Authors, etc. Only some of the details had been changed since it was Yahoo! I couldn't find my yellow briefcase, but there was another symbol there--I feel it was white and fancy looking. I started to get excited, wondering if it was a Moderator icon! Had I been made a Moderator?? I so hoped so! Plus I noticed that my name was in BOLD. Somebody had upgraded me for three months!! WOOHOO!! I got the impression that L. herself had done this, nominated me for Moderator AND upgraded my membership. She was so sweet! I started enthusing over this aloud and Dad, walking by behind me, wondered what I was doing. "Oh," I gushed, "somebody upgraded my Stories.com membership for three months! WOOHOO!"
Nah, of course he had no idea what I was talking about. ;)
Anyway, in the Club, a character of mine--Derrick from my D Is For Damien stories--suddenly showed up, as a real separate person, and his postings became more and more abusive toward other members. Eesh he was a troublemaker. I have the feeling I hadn't really been online before, but I was going online now to see if I could dig up any information on him that might help us deal with him. I checked out a few sites, and now it was like somebody sent me an e-mail, then I sent them one, and the one I sent had an image embedded in it, the Stories.com logo. Like a little ad you can put for a link on your page. Not a banner ad, but a smaller one. It had been automatically inserted at the end of my e-mail. I looked over the e-mail (the sent copy?--it worked differently in my dream, like I had sent it, yet still held onto it) and the logo and laughed a bit reproachfully. "Well, if it now sends the logo when I e-mail people," I said, kind of to the person I was writing to--I think it was P.--"I wish it would let us send the logo we LIKE!" I then looked at the logo I really liked and would have preferred to send. The logo that was included in the e-mail was static at first but then was animated, switching scenes. It was a bit pretty, but not the one I had wanted to send. Fooey.
WELL, now this logo was on a webpage and when I clicked on the link, it sent me to someone's website. The background was black or dark gray and it was all in dark shades, perhaps with some silver, and very nice looking and mysterious. I think there may have been an Egyptian symbol on the page and I clicked on it, but now instead of looking at the website I was holding a book in my hands. Size of a high school yearbook. First I looked at the image--it was an artistic rendering of Anubis, and he was rather evil looking. There was some commentary from the creator of the website. "This fellow here is _____," they said--the name may have had Anubis in it, but it was the name of another online person interested in Egypt, who may have run another site. (I say that because this person seemed to speak of him with some respect.) "Yeah, he looks really creepy, and that's because he has to" or something like that. Then there may have been back and forward arrows to check out more pictures. (I got confused a bit earlier--I think this was still on the screen, though after I had checked out a picture or two, I was then looking through a book with shiny black pages, like a Time-Life book.)
So, now I was looking through this book. There were some Egyptian pictures at first, including the Anubis ones (there were at least two--though that may have been on the webpage itself, one on the bottom right, the other toward the upper left), but then there was a whole section devoted to different symbols. I remember some hieroglyphs and perhaps the Horus hawk, all sorts of wonderful things. It all seemed to be in silver on black, but photo quality, very artistic. I marveled over them before looking at the cover of the book. It was black underneath but with a silver patina, perhaps ribbed, and had upraised Egyptian symbols upon it. VERY beautiful book! "I wish I could have this book!" I sighed. I think it belonged to the owner of the website, though I did really admire it.
Hurry Up, Mya!
I was going outside to wait for the school bus, so I guess I was in school. It was nice outside, perhaps late spring, early summer, the last days of the school year. It seemed to be overcast. But I was having all sorts of trouble just getting out there. I'm not certain if this took place several times, or if I forgot everything at once, but I do know I had forgotten my jacket and my pencil. I was standing at the end of the sideroad and turned to Mya, who was suddenly waiting with me. I KNEW the bus would be coming soon.
"Would you go in and get my pencil?" I asked. (I'm not sure if I asked her to get my jacket too, or if I had gotten it already.) For some reason, I thought it made more sense to send HER to get my stuff and for me to tell the bus driver to wait, than for us to do it the other way around. She went back to the house though, and I stood and anxiously waited for the bus. Ohhhh, she was taking so long, I wished she'd hurry! Oh dear...I saw the bus approaching from the north (I was facing west). <:( I shifted from foot to foot. "Come on, Mya, hurry!" I murmured. Still no Mya though. With a frustrated sigh I left the bus stop and went back to my house. We would have to miss it. I'd ask Ma to drive us there.
Oh yes, just remembered. While I was waiting, I looked south and there was a little blue car parked out front of our house on their right, my left, just sitting there with the driver inside. They made me nervous; I had the feeling they were watching me and getting ready to kidnap me, though it looked as if the occupant were female. *shrug* I was still nervous though because they were looking in my direction, even if they weren't staring at me. I hoped they'd drive away but then I went back to the house so it didn't matter. THEN I just hoped they wouldn't follow!
And so I went back inside and tried to tell Ma as nonchalantly as I could, "You're going to have to drive us to school, we missed the bus." Thing is, I seemed to also be having problems telling Ma this...like I kept getting distracted. Oh well. I think Dad was home in that dream too.
First Porn On Cartoon Network, Now This
This dream is very vague. It concerned an image that they were showing on TV, on USA to be specific. It was a thin woman (perhaps only her head and neck were thin and the rest of her body was a bit thick, or disproportionate?), short dark hair or else longer hair slicked back, sitting on a chair. She was naked and looked "out of it." Her skin was pale and grayish, like she didn't feel well. I was surprised they were showing this, but I assumed they'd edited part out; then I took another look. No...*cough*...something down south was slightly visible even in this view. "I can't believe they're allowed to show this on USA!" I exclaimed. Something was wrong with this woman (I don't recall seeing her arms--perhaps she was tied?), but I never found out what. Along with that I have written down "leg cut off, rating?" OH YES! Somebody--her?--got their (right?) leg cut off and they showed that too. I think it was above the knee but I may be wrong. They clearly showed it--blood didn't spurt all over, in fact there was none, but you could see the muscle. A clean straight cut. First nudity, now this! Eegh! The rating, that had to do with the rating given to the show, but I can't remember what it was or what happened to it.
Runaway Eggs
In this dream, I was with my friend Mya again, and I feel we were walking down some street when we went into this strange restaurant or cafeteria. (The atmosphere was more cafeteria-y.) We sat down at this wooden table--this place was too strange to describe, very big and all yellowish toned--and we must have ordered food, for I ended up with a plate that included eggs (sunny-side up?) and meat and I can't recall what Mya got, but man, did we have a lot of food. These plates were BIG. BUT!...my eggs...they were running--all over! I watched helplessly while the yolk streamed from the eggs (to the left?) and onto my plate, seeping away. I picked up something--toast, or a fork?--and tried to stop the flow, but it was useless. The yolk started running off my plate onto the table and I couldn't stop it!! I think it may even have gotten onto Mya's food. She wasn't mad, but I was UPSET! My poor eggs!!
I have written down "Mya's upright" and can't recall what that meant. I feel that she helped me out with my eggs--perhaps by holding something "upright" to stop the yolk, like a piece of toast?--though I did have to end up giving up on them since the yolk had all dribbled out. *sigh* I'd have to eat something else. So I started looking around for something else. Seemed to be ham and eggs and toast and such around this place. Hm, next I have written down "want other stuff to eat, plain too far, no rm. on plate." I can't understand that "plain too far" part--might be a mistake on my part as I was tired. I was getting a lot of stuff to put on my plate, though, and I couldn't get it all to fit. Perhaps I wanted another plate!
(In that dream we sat near the back of this big room with other people in it, but I faced the front and the windows and Mya faced me. But then it's like the windows were to my left, wall to my right, Mya in front of me. Confusing.)
Dogs Without Coats
One small dream featured some dogs on TV. They were bloody, like their coats had been torn off. Disgusting, yes. They were just running around barking and stuff. There were several different breeds, but after they've been skinned, you couldn't be sure which was which. Ick. For some reason, Ma was intensely interested in this program, even though I thought it was sick even to watch it.
Move, Pepper
One last tiny dream...I know this didn't happen in real life, so it was a dream. In it, Pepper stood near the front door and I had to nudge her aside to get to it. Besides that I have written down "dance." Can't remember that part. Did I go listen to music, or did I dance with Pepper? ^_^; Not sure...but that was it.
2001 Dreams