Jogging Downtown
In this dream, Ma was leaving for work (it seemed to be early afternoon, maybe around one; sunny out but the trees were kind of bare--spring?--late autumn?--I don't remember the temperature), and I went out to watch her go. Instead of going to the window like I do in real life, I actually went outside, onto the front porch, going down the steps and turning to watch as her car turned and headed north. I think I felt kind of sad that she was leaving.
I think this may have been the same dream; I may have looked at the highway and decided to go down it, but then I was downtown somewhere (not familiar--medium-sized or big city, but I felt comfortable there like I knew it) and I decided to start jogging down the street! I started doing so and made up a tune in my head, like a soundtrack; it eventually worked itself out into a sort of rap or techno theme, kind of dorky, but it had a good beat. I was imagining that this could be a scene from one of my Minot-related stories, but I didn't get much further than that before the dream shifted again.
If they were not in fact the same dream, this then shifted into "In Doors, Out Doors."
In Doors, Out Doors
This dream may have been a continuation of or may have shifted out of "Jogging Downtown."
Somehow, I was in this odd building facing the street and...there was an airplane, or airplanes, inside it. Small ones, but they felt big; and I believe they were red with white trim. There may have been several planes with normal doors, or else one big plane with lots of doors. They were small doors, as well, and roundish; the plane seemed to be tilted toward its side (to my left) as whenever I went into a door it was like going down in a hole. I just kept climbing in these doors, in one and then out, then into the next and out again, because...I was upset about something.
As I climbed in and out of them my brother came along and I think he asked me to stop. I believe he owned this place and/or the planes and my actions were confusing him; he wanted to know why I was doing this. I was very angry and sulky and at first refused to answer directly. I think I finally told him that I was bored and lonely--he and his friends and everybody else had things they could go do, people to do them with, but I was always left behind. And eventually I had become so bored and lonely that I had taken to climbing in and out of airplane doors!
(Something in here reminded me of a hand slipping into a glove--only it was a strange glove, perhaps made out of food. o_O Can't explain it; it had something to do with me going in and out of the doors.)
I think the reason why Eric was so concerned about me was because when you went in these doors, you were supposed to wear some kind of special seatbelt that was inside the plane, a harness of sorts that went over your shoulders to keep you in safely. Yet whenever I popped in and out, I refused to put it on. When he mentioned this I think I either made a halfhearted attempt to put one on, or just decided to check it out, but I was too angry and hurt to really care much about it and so I let it go and kept doing what I had been doing, out of spite. Eventually, at one point I must have left, because the dream shifted AGAIN.
This dream then shifted into "The Internet IRA."
The Internet IRA
This dream shifted out of "In Doors, Out Doors."
Hm. I can't remember this dream very well. It had to do with SearchCactus.com, Law & Order, and the Irish Republican Army. o_o Um... I guess I was searching at SearchCactus, and then it was like an episode of L&O and the cops were looking for somebody, but THEN it was the IRA--and perhaps the cops too--looking for somebody. And they were involved with SearchCactus somehow. Like I said, can't remember.
This dream then shifted into "Shakespearean Indifference."
Shakespearean Indifference
This dream shifted out of "The Internet IRA."
I was watching a Shakespearean play--there were at least three characters, a man, a woman, and their young daughter--and it was weird because they were quoting lines from OTHER Shakespearean plays. I guess Shakespeare had written it that way, but still I found it novel. It took place in a very dim setting, perhaps a small house or hovel; everything, even the people and their clothing, was in shades of brown. The place was so dark all you could see was the people themselves. They may have been dressed poorly--almost in rags--and seemed to be seated at a small wooden table. (I believe this was on TV.) Anyway, the daughter of the two, this cute little girl, came up with a camera--yes, a camera--an old-fashioned one, but a camera nonetheless. It had a leather case that was removable but still seemed to be kept on the camera at all times, as there was an opening for the lens to poke out of. It was shaped like a small box and the leather was light rich brown. As she brought it out I was thinking, "Wait, she's just a little girl. She can't POSSIBLY know how to operate that thing." Oh well, it was a play, it didn't have to be completely realistic.
The mother (who was young and pretty, with long (about to her shoulders) fluffy (but not frizzy or floofy) brown hair) saw her daughter's interest in the camera and was encouraging her to use it, only to notice that the father, her husband, sat nearby, not paying any attention and seeming distracted by his own thoughts. She called his name several times, attempting to get his attention; when she finally did and he turned to her, she may have told him about his daughter's interest, and may have asked him what was distracting or troubling him; then I think she tried to cheer him up, but he was too worried about something to listen to her very much. For some reason this bothered me.
Decisions, Decisions
In real life I wanted Ma to call Shepler's (a ferry service in Mackinaw City) to find out their departure times. I had to keep nagging her until she did it. In the dream, she hadn't called them and I guess I was irritated. There was some sort of story--was I reading it, or watching it?--it was Lovecraftian/written by Lovecraft/or had something to do with Lovecraft, and in it, Mulder (from The X-Files) had been cloned and he was trying to figure out how it had happened...or something. *shrug* I was in my room at this point and decided to leave, perhaps carrying whatever I read/watched the story on in my hand. (My room was sort of light, as if the windows were uncovered, or perhaps my light was just on.) As I turned away from my bed I could see that my blanket had fallen over the edge behind the bed, in front of the stereo. (In real life I would not be able to see it and the floor from the other side of my bed, but in my dream I could.) I think I debated with myself whether I wanted to go back and pick it up or not. I wanted to, both because I wanted to bring it with me and because I didn't want it lying on the floor, but at the same time it was as if I DIDN'T want to--I'm not sure why--maybe because I was lazy or already on my way out! In any case I'm not certain WHAT I decided to do, as the dream ended. Go figure!
2001 Dreams