Ratings Gripes
The only one I remember last night had to do with Stories.com. Yeehaw. :)
Apparently, it was nighttime or very early morning and I had gone online--my computer seemed to be a laptop, or else was portable, as I brought it into my bedroom and sat down on the bed while I went to Stories.com. My room seemed rather dim for some reason. As it stands at the moment I write this, my "Dreams" journal has three ratings and an average of four and a half stars. In my dream, somebody had come along and must have rated it poorly, as it had dropped down to four stars again. !!
This REALLY got me POed. I remember crossing my legs to sit Indian style and my foot seemed to rest upon something sitting on my bed (not out of comfort--it was hard, like plastic or something--but just because I didn't feel like moving it--I may have rested my foot on several things in succession) and I started grousing out loud.
"Take a look at the other people who put together dream journals on the site," I muttered. "They can have something like three or four entries that are really short, poorly written, and not very interesting--something like 'I dreamed I went to the dance with my boyfriend, it was so cool!'--and they'll get automatic FIVES. And more than just one, they'll get SEVERAL of them at once! And take a look at me, with my dream journal of over seventy entries, almost all of them long and detailed, people have TOLD me they're interesting...with only four ratings now and an average of FOUR! Are people even reading this thing or do they just not like lots of words? Are the people who put together these other journals just popular and have lots of FRIENDS here who rate them kindly? Or do people really just SYMPATHIZE more with 'I dreamed I went to the dance with my boyfriend, it was so cool!'?? How do some people manage to get scads of ratings when my item with the highest number has only fifteen--and that only because it's an article about writing? HOW COME MY STUFF ISN'T NOTICED MORE??"
I don't believe I actually SAID all of this, but I did mutter some, and I WAS thinking along these lines. Okay, allow me to make a confession. I AM rather annoyed that really short, "boring" (in my opinion, I know that everyone's taste is different and MY journal must be mind-numbingly boring to some people--that's fine) journals along the same subject as mine get lots of high ratings and mine is barely noticed. It HAS been read over 160 times, but has only three ratings. Perhaps because my dreams are all about weird sunsets and pirates and not about my (nonexistent) boyfriend taking me to the dance? :)
Anyway, I guess this frustration just decided to surface in my dream and that was why it came out that way. Ho-hum. At least my rating really HASN'T gone down to four again!
2001 Dreams