At The Movies With MacLaine
Man, are these ones wonky. Kind of delayed, so let's see how well I do.
This dream concerned me being in some kind of movie. I was in an office building and I guess I was supposed to be a kid, and I was with my sibling, another kid--a boy, possibly younger (we were very little, between four and six, I think); there was a woman, and her mother, who was being played by Shirley MacLaine. Shirley's character was very ditzy, and the woman was getting peeved at being constantly bothered. I believe Shirley was taking care of us as the mother was too busy at her high-pressure job to take care of us at the moment, and the plot revolved around her taking us on some kind of wild adventure without our mom's permission. I think it was the woman who said to Shirley, "Quit calling me at 1-800-DIRECT and then hanging up on my clients (or patients?)!" I'm not sure if that's a real number, or even if that was exactly it, but it was a well-known TV ad number. For some reason, in the dream it was this woman's work number or something, and she was tired of Shirley calling her there, only to hang up on the clients or patients who were answering the phone (for whatever reason!). (When I say "patients," I mean this woman may have been a psychiatrist, but she seemed to be a businesswoman.)
The office we had been in was VERY nice and big, pale gray carpeting, white walls, lots of white light shining in from outside. I went out into the hallway and now the dream had shifted. I think that I was the "grandmother" figure and I was going to take the kids with me. Only I was supposed to be a guy, and perhaps a friend of the woman's. I stepped out and turned to the right to see two small children sitting squeezed up against the brick wall, legs sticking out in front of them. There was a sort of niche or slight inset here that they leaned into, and they were looking up at me, pretending to be invisible. They didn't want anyone to see them. Another woman, possibly a janitor or a lower worker, walked by me--unruly red hair in a bun, older, craggy face; gave me a look as she passed, and I noticed a pencil sticking out of the back of her collar, and thought that that must be uncomfortable. Oh well. I waited until she had gone into another room--the kids' invisibility trick had worked on her and she completely overlooked them--and then I moved toward them myself. I glanced all around me surreptitiously, not wanting anyone to see. I knew I would get in trouble if I left with the kids without their mother's permission (was I their dad?), but I was going to do it anyway. I started nodding and waving my hand at them to follow me. They got up and did so.
We went out into this parking lot. It was sunny and hot outside. We went to the car, and I specifically remember getting into the PASSENGER-side seat, buckling up--so perhaps I switched once more into the child role. I think we may have been spotted, or may have looked suspicious, so we were in a hurry to get out of there. I think the car, also, was my mom's car.
This dream then shifted into "We'll Never Reach Mackinac Island!" which may have been the same dream.
We'll Never Reach Mackinac Island!
This dream is likely just a shifted continuation of "At The Movies With MacLaine." I separated the two as they are so different.
Now the group of people involved in the dream consisted of my brother, his wife, and myself, and we were going to Mackinac Island. We had wanted to go there earlier than usual so we had enough time to check out the whole island, but Ma had been taking her time with her work or something--she'd been busy--so we finally left her behind. We were now walking along a long paved road, such as that along the Mackinac Island lakeshore, and there were roostertails rising up out of the water ahead of us to our right, spraying us with mist as if we rode on the top deck of the ferry already. Strange. All of this, and we weren't even on the island yet!
We were silent and moody as we walked. I felt extreme guilt over leaving Ma behind. How could we have done that? I felt so awful. I tried to make some smalltalk to feel better--"Are we going to sit on the top or the bottom (of the ferry)?" I asked my brother, expecting to hear him say "Bottom."
However, he said, "Top," so he didn't mind getting cold and wet, I guess! I dropped my head again and we kept walking.
Eventually we reached home--strange, as we had seemed to be on the island already, yet we hadn't even arrived. I was getting very anxious (perhaps while we still walked along the shore) because we would have needed to leave in the morning in order to get there on time, yet it was about 1:30 PM in my dream. Which meant, well, it didn't matter that we'd left Ma behind, we'd still be too late anyway! So I just felt worse. We went into the living room and Shannon--my brother's wife--seemed to disappear for a short time. "Eric," I said, "you should call Ma at Dave's Place and let her know where we're going." (Dave's Place is a local store not far from where I live--why Ma would be hanging out THERE, I have no idea!)
He nodded. I guess he had to leave to call her, as he left the house, telling me to stay where I was, and I saw him walking down the side road beside my house--walking east, away from the way to Dave's Place. I followed his progress through the windows. (It seemed overcast out, but still nice and warm.) First I started at the westernmost north window in the living room, then the next one, then the dining room, out to the utility room. When I got out there, he was out there as well (???--how'd he get in??), along with Shannon. The utility room must have been bigger than in real life, as in this whole part of the dream, no matter how close I was to them, they seemed so far away. They stood over near where the dryer used to be, talking to each other. I didn't want them to see me, as Eric had told me to stay where I was, so I ducked down; they were behind a small poker-type table and shouldn't be able to see me. I kept low to the floor and moved closer.
But then Shannon put one foot up on the table and got up to stand ATOP it! Knowing she could look down to see me, I then ducked under the table--only to look up and see my brother on the other side, smiling down at me as if to say, "Hi. You're caught."
I smiled back stupidly. "Hi," I said. "Sorry." And I scuttled back out of the room. Embarrassing!
I Am Girl, Interrupted
In real life, I have a couple of small bruises on my left forearm near the hand, don't know how I got them, but I've been hitting them nonetheless. (For those who don't know, I guess I'm a self-injurer.) In my dream, I was doing the same thing, standing there hitting my arm, perhaps thinking of cutting. (No, I do not cut in real life. Too chicken.) I think I told a few others about it, trying to explain it, but it's hard to make people understand--somebody on another site, in real life, said self-injurers have something wrong with their heads and need help--maybe the essence of that is true, but the statement itself is not, and it's very insensitive. Anyway, I then went into the bathroom and saw the tub and wanted to take a bath--on the go. Or to go. Or something. I have written down "to go," but I'm not sure. I think I wanted to take a bath, and then literally take it someplace else, or continue elsewhere, or put it off? o_o Hm, not sure. Anyway. I got into the tub and was shaking something out--a blanket, a shirt?--then getting myself wet, splashing water on my arms and such. I was standing up facing the front of the shower the whole time. It was light and spacious in the bathroom, unlike in real life. For some reason I was trying to think of who I was like and then I said, "OH yes! It was that movie, Girl, Interrupted!" (No, I have not seen that movie. I think I was trying to empathize with the borderline character or something.)
Why I Don't Wear Makeup
This dream had something to do with me having makeup on my face. I do NOT wear makeup because it makes me look like a slut. >:P I'm just too pale. In the dream, for some reason I had all sorts of glitter around my eyes, and I was putting on this gorgeous purple eyeshadow as well, overdoing it, perhaps right under my eyebrows (*sigh*), then trying to rub some off, etc. I'm reminded of the Whirlpool commercials with the women all covered with different scarves and glitter. I knew I'd have to wash this stuff off or get it in my eyes on accident. (Another reason I wear no makeup.) So I think I was trying to wash it off, but then I was out in the living room, on Ma's end of the couch, trying to get something out of my eye and failing. Ma came in and waited impatiently for me to move so she could lie down. (Perhaps it was night.) "Hold on a sec," I murmured, staring in the mirror. I had found the culprit behind my troubles--an eyelash caught under my top right eyelid--and was trying to pull it out. I finally did so (I feel I lost a few more eyelashes in this dream somehow), and then gave her her seat.
DBZ In My Front Yard
This dream had something to do with Dragon Ball Z (oh no) and I was sort of pretending it, but was also kind of in it. I believe at least Bulma, Gohan, and Trunks were there. We seemed to be in my yard but it was supposed to be another place (Planet Namek?) and we were fighting somebody (Cell??--wrong saga, but it's the feeling I get). Things were screwed up and we had to set them right, I guess. I'm not sure which character I was, IF I was one, but if I was one it was probably Bulma. We started running across the yard, toward the long driveway (it was evening, kind of hazy and yet "glowing" out, not yellowish, but white--as of a bright sun behind white cloudcover); the grass was long and flowing and pale gray-green, blowing in a strong breeze as we ran through it. I remember feeling it against my legs.
The Funnel Cloud & Moons A'Plenty
This was another weird sky phenomena dream. I think Dad said there were some interesting clouds outside, so I took the camera and went on my way, out to the front yard. I think I had my jacket as I believed it would be cold; as I stepped onto the front porch the wind whipped at me, and it was just a mite cold, but it was mostly balmy and I was pleasantly surprised. (The warm wind again, see the pattern emerging?) I went into the yard and looked up, toward the north but more above my head. No tree branches in the way.
"WOW," I breathed.
There was this incredibly weird cloud formation taking up the sky, all shades and patterns of white and brown. In the midst of it hung a twisted, turning brown funnel cloud, long and winding down to the left like some sort of snake. "Is that thing going to touch ground?" I briefly worried, but then decided not to let it get to me; it wasn't moving much, nothing was blowing over, so perhaps it wasn't dangerous. HOPEFULLY! I raised the camera and I think I took a few pics, then I decided to get a pic of the top, and one of the bottom, perhaps so I could splice them together because it was so tall. (Direct parallel to my "Castle In The Clouds" dream.) Well, the same as in that dream, I took a picture of the top of the cloud, but then when I went to take a picture of the bottom--I gaped with surprise and lowered the camera. What? The cloud was gone! The merest white wisps were left to mark where it had been; it had completely DISPERSED in the moment or so it had taken me to ready the camera!
(The rest of the clouds were there, but not that one. How strange!)
Puzzled and a bit disappointed, I shrugged and decided to look around for anything else interesting. I noticed (now the sky was pale blue and mostly clear of clouds, though hazy) a small crescent moon up above me, faded by the light. The crescent was to the right; what does that mean, waxing or waning? Whichever, I stared at it; I hadn't expected to see the moon, but it was pretty, and high up in the sky too. Then I looked to the left...and frowned.
There was a moon THERE, too. A tiny crescent, exactly the same as the first. (Sound familiar? See "Multi-Moons & Shooting Stars.") Puzzled, I continued looking...and saw another...and another...and ANOTHER! Everywhere I looked, the tiny duplicate crescent moons seemed to be appearing. How appalling! I turned to look to the high southern sky and yes, they were there too. I remember I counted up to fourteen before deciding not to look around anymore, lest MORE moons start appearing! They didn't literally fill up the sky, but they seemed to be all over. I was completely baffled and decided to go inside before I lost it!
I went in to tell Dad that the cloud had vanished, and I wanted to develop--um--DOWNLOAD the pictures, but I think Ma had gotten on the computer so I couldn't use it. Drat!!
A Gift For An Enemy
In real life somebody by the username of "Ofendi" (apparently a pun on "effendi" and "offend"--well, they got THAT part right) recently posted in a Yahoo! Club and insulted me, saying they were glad the site I used to frequent was no longer around because users like myself had ruined it. Yah...whatever...you missed it so much you had to sign up at the site's Club and say so. Whatever, masochist. Anyway, in the dream this person had posted in another Club under a different username, but it was obvious who they were. I think I started to reply to them, something much like "Yawn. You're boring, Ofendi. Go away." I included the name "Ofendi" even though that was not the name they were posting under--I wanted them to KNOW I knew who they were. Also, I was debating whether I should include the "Go away" part or not, the better to keep it short. There may have been more to it, not sure.
For some reason when the dream shifted I was going to use some kind of Internet service to send Ofendi a sort of "greeting card" which would be a good way to insult them. Apparently the card did something--not offensive, and not illegal, but annoying. But then the card was something I held in my hand, right in front of me. I seemed to be in the entrance to my living room, holding it, yet the computer was still in front of me. Hm. Oh well. It was similar to an ice cream scoop, but worked in an intricate way. Long and red, made of plastic; when you pushed or squeezed on the handle something on the end of it moved, then moved back when you released. I held it in my right hand and tried it out, amused. I have written down "folds three different ways," but I'm not sure about that--oh yes, I remember now. You could adjust the length and settings of it, to change how it worked, or something. If you wanted it to open really WIDE, for example, you would unlatch it and latch it higher up on a notch or something. (The end was like a wide ice cream spoon scoop.) The notches worked like those on a baseball cap, with how you adjusted it. It also reminded me of how you set a trap, like a catapult, hooking it over something to hold it in place until you used it. Or whatever. I can't really explain it. (It also seemed to be nighttime as it was dark out and the lights were on.) ANYWAY! :) , I wanted the one I was going to send to Ofendi to have both a jumping kitten (?) and a flying pig on it--they were figurines/cutouts attached to little sticks and when you squeezed the handle they would move back and forth, like a pendulum on a clock, only they were on top and not the bottom. Eh, too hard to describe! The pig represented Oolong, I think, a character from Dragon Ball Z. But I noticed that I couldn't have BOTH of the animals when I set the "card" (stick) using the adjustment I chose--it was like a scoop now with two parts, a top and a bottom, and they would touch together with the animal cutouts inside, and if both were there, one would break off or not fit. Which was just what happened, one animal just disappeared. Not sure which one. A bit disappointed, I tried the furthest opposite setting, and it looked as if it would then accommodate both animals, but then the animal was still missing and I noticed a lack of space between the two parts. "Darn," I murmured. Oh well. Ofendi would just have to get the "card" (stick) with ONE animal only. It shouldn't have mattered so much, the person obviously disliked me and I them.
In this same part of the dream, I heard the TV in the background and Law & Order must have been on, as Dr. Elizabeth Olivet was insisting that she would not testify in a certain case, while the others (Ben Stone or Jack McCoy?) were saying that she WOULD. I commented on this to myself, can't remember what I said though. I think I was saying something like, "You WILL testify!" or "You WON'T testify!" and offering the reasons why; I guess I'd seen it before and was being a bit melodramatic.
Brother, Can You Spare A Condom?
In one more little dream, I was in the dining room, lying on my back on the floor with my knees drawn up, perhaps with my arms behind my head. At least a couple of others were there too, maybe Ma--standing behind my head at the ironing board?--and a female friend, supposedly of mine, standing near where the table is, in front of me and to the right side a bit. I think it was daytime out but the room was dim, and the top of my head faced the...um...southeast. o_O Hm...I think the other girl was asking for a condom. I'm not sure if she was asking for one FOR Damien--my fictional character--or FROM him--in which case, I was him? I felt I was supposed to be him. She seemed to be in her late teens or early twenties, not really "chubby" as in fat, but kind of thick bodied, long brown hair perhaps parted in the middle, I seem to think of a kind of ugly striped shirt and shorts but I can't be sure (this is just what I'm thinking--she may not have resembled this at all)--she seemed mildly irritated that she hadn't found a condom yet. "Oh!" I said when I found out she wanted one. "Well, I think I have one, hold on a sec." (I MUST have been Damien now, to have a condom on me, the thing is, I don't think he'd be so casual about giving one away!!) I dug in the left pocket of my shorts (my real life "house shorts" don't have pockets) and fished out something small, like a little white balloon with large holes in it--reminded me of a Whiffle Ball or whatever those are. Rubbery, with holes in it (somehow the air did NOT escape even with the holes), but not a condom. o_O "Hm, that's not it..." I murmured, digging in my right pocket this time. I think I dug out one thing (a piece of paper or tissue?) first, but then found a little packet which I knew held a condom. I pulled it out. "Here you go!" I said cheerfully, handing it up to her. She accepted it, while I took the weird little white balloon thing and squeezed it with my fingers (it was only about two inches long) to deflate it, since it was fun.
The end!
2001 Dreams