A Flower For Danser
Decent selection tonight, should I remember them adequately...
This dream had something to do with a character of mine, Sgt. Danser, from my story Lucifer. (SPOILER: He's not one of the characters remaining at the end of the story...hint hint.) In my dream I was with another person--I think it was Holling from Northern Exposure, or it may have been one of the detectives from Law & Order, like Greevey or Cerreta--but he was supposed to have known Danser in some way, perhaps as his partner. Later on Felman, Danser's "real" partner, figured in here, perhaps Holling was him or I was him, but I'm not sure. Anyway we were walking on a city dock along a river/some body of water (on my right) in late evening or at night, but still with sufficient light to see. The water was dark, black. We stopped right at the edge and what's-his-name took a yellow flower--perhaps a rose--and dropped it into the water, only it may have ended up stranded on the dock. For some reason the yellow rose held some meaning to Danser and that was why this guy was offering one in his memory. He turned to leave, me with him, but then he said something like, "Make sure it ends up in the water." So I had to go over to the rose and nudge it into the water, where it bobbed on the dark surface. I stared at it a moment before turning to go.
This dream may have then shifted into "The Floating Island," or into one of the other dreams of this night.
The Floating Island
This dream may have shifted out of "A Flower For Danser," or from one of the other dreams of this night.
In it I ended up with Ma and we were trying to get onto this floating island. By floating, I don't mean in water like an iceberg. I mean in the AIR. It was a tiny island, perhaps ten or so feet across, shaped like a small mountain, made mostly of tan/brown-colored slate. (The rocks were flat and jutting out every which way in a disorganized heap.) For some reason we wanted to get onto this thing--it was bobbing some inches from the ground, and I was trying to demonstrate to Ma how one went about climbing aboard. Thing was, I was having trouble doing so. The island wouldn't stand still. :) You know how when you try to get into a small boat and the thing keeps bobbing precariously and you're afraid of falling out? That's what this was like. Only higher. We seemed to be outside near a fence (on my right--the island was to my left, in front), or on a dock, but the landscape was funny somehow...all brown...can't describe it as I didn't look at it much. Ma stood nearby. I mentioned something about the use of anchors to keep the island still while one climbed atop it. Only I didn't seem to understand where the anchor would be placed--in the ground, or in the island itself? Plus I didn't see one for this particular island. Oh well. I put my foot up on the thing and tried climbing up but it kept bobbing away, but somehow I finally managed to get up. Ma never did, that I remember; she just watched. This island had something to do with a user on another site--two users, actually, but they were the same person in my dream--QC or GM. There was another name, probably GM's second user name of PT. I may have listed these aloud or just thought them, but they were all the same woman in my dream, and I think she owned or had created this island, like some kind of fairy princess out of Gulliver's Travels. (I know that did not have fairy princesses, but it should have. :) ) After I got on the dream shifted again--once more, this may be out of order, but this was how it went, basically.
The dream this shifted into may have been "Dashing Through The Snow," or one of the other dreams of this night.
Dashing Through The Snow
This dream may have shifted out of "The Floating Island" or one of the other dreams of this night.
I was walking/running along a snowy path curving around the edge of a hill (hill to my right) just above or inside the city (whatever city), so it must have been winter. I was sliding along on my feet/shoes/boots/sandals/WHATEVER but it was like some guy was calling plays in a game, an announcer, and when he mentioned it looked as if I were skiing, I then started moving my legs and arms as if I were. I was supposed to be Felman now--Danser's ex-partner (Danser and Felman are cop characters from my novel, Lucifer, also mentioned in "A Flower For Danser."). I was intent on getting somewhere or finding someone, and so concentrated on my "running." Kind of strange and hard to explain, I came to a sort of dropoff on the left which led to me crashing down through some snowy pine boughs to the ground below; I yelled as I did so. It was as if I had expected this though. Someone had been talking about how annoying it was when tourists or whatever made a loud fuss when falling down dropoffs, and so that was what I did, as if to demonstrate. I landed unhurt but confused. There was a building or just a room open to the outside nearby, to the left when the dropoff was on my right, and I ran for it, suddenly needing to hide from someone.
I ended up in this fancy office suite. Really big, BIG carpeted room (gray carpeting?), golden-red wood walls and ceiling (?), nice big desks and chairs. There was a desk or cabinet of some kind at the far end and I made for it; somebody may have noticed me in the process but I just ran past them. There was a space beneath the thing and I meant to crawl into it, but it was kind of small and would entail lying down, which might take a while to do. (There was a wall lined with big windows on my left when I looked toward the way I had come in, and it was still snowy yet sunny outside. The office proper was to my right.) I hesitated, then peered out from behind the thing toward the other side of the room which had at first been snow and pine trees but was now the other end of the office.
First of all I saw something over there that had to do with the snow meltage, as it was sunny outside. I think it was a VCR sitting on a shelf on the wall. The meltage may have shorted it out or something, because I think it then exploded. I was terrified that I would be blamed for it.
Some important-looking businessman now came in, older guy, dark suit. I may have ducked, hoping he wouldn't see me; I wanted to hide out in here, but I also didn't want these guys to know I was IN here! Neither did I want to be blamed for whatever had blown up. However, I poked my head up again and he noticed me and looked surprised. "You. What are you doing in here?" he demanded. Not angry, but more offended sounding, like, "YOU shouldn't be in here!" I mumbled something and acted like I had a problem upstairs. Roleplaying again, like I had come in here without really knowing what was going on. I may have ducked under the cabinet/desk again, before he could protest.
I Could Have Done It Better
Another dream, very confusing. Somewhere earlier on in it I had complained about some (animated?) Disney movie and said I could have done it better, storywise. Later in the dream I was looking for a book of mine, perhaps The Encyclopedia Of Things That Never Were, and couldn't seem to find it. Dad was nearby and he said, "You would've done this one better too," in a joking way; either he meant the book, or another Disney movie that may have been on TV. Ha ha, Dad. One comment from me and he was going to hold it against me my entire life. ;P
If they were not the same dream, then this may have shifted into "No More Fleas, Please."
No More Fleas, Please
If they were not the same dream, then this may have shifted out of "I Could Have Done It Better." I had a jar of some kind of little food--something like oysters, yet also kind of like tiny fish--and was trying to eat them as I liked them. They were weird, as oysters are, but I like oysters on occasion. I think I walked into perhaps the bathroom, and then definitely into my room as I ate them, when I noticed something odd in the juice surrounding the "oysters" (for lack of a better word) and sticking to the oysters themselves. I frowned and took a closer look. They looked like...fleas. EWWWW!! Tiny and somewhat translucent from being immersed in the juices, and
striped as if segmented, but they looked like tiny fleas nonetheless. All over my food! GROSS! I remember I stood there pondering over the food for quite a while, trying to determine whether these really WERE bugs or just a natural part of the food, as there were so many of them now that I took a closer look. I may have noticed another thing that looked like a bug also, but it was mainly the flea-things that bothered me. I just kept staring at them and poking at them and trying to scrape them off the food and staring at them some more, trying to convince myself they were SUPPOSED to be there, yet getting more and more turned off as time went by. (I was in my room with the lights on, as it seemed to be night, standing next to my bed.) Well, I think I finally decided that these were NOT supposed to be part of the food; my batch had apparently been contaminated. YUCK! No way I would continue eating this junk. I'd lost my appetite already. I think I may have taken one more piece or else chewed up what was already in my mouth, and even the food itself didn't taste so good anymore; it had this faint sweet taste to it that was disgusting and not very palatable. Ugh. I turned to leave my room and I think I put the jar in the fridge, until I could decide what to do with it...which would probably be to throw it out.
Talking Tenchi
One small dream had to do with Ma's alarm clock. Lately she's set it for later and it got me mad because it means we have less time to sit together in the morning. (Silly, yes, but when you're as alone as I am...) We also argued once about what time I was supposed to wake her up. She keeps saying one time, then when I wake her up, she says, "Let me sleep longer, until ___," or else "I told you to wake me up at ___ (a different time)!" when I KNOW when she told me to tell her to get up. Annoying. Anyway, in the dream, I think it started out I had set the VCR to record something on Toonami (I did this in real life today), but when I came out I realized I'd set it too early. Oops! I was recording the wrong program. I stopped the VCR and got ready to record the RIGHT one. The show Tenchi Muyo! or one of its spinoffs had something to do with this--perhaps it was what I was recording, or I saw it on the screen and commented on the animation style--when Ma asked me something about it. It must have been at least late afternoon, but it felt like very early morning, and yet Ma was getting ready to go to bed! o_O Anyway--she asked me something about Tenchi. I can't recall what--perhaps it was, "I thought this show was called Tenchi Muyo!?" or maybe "What's the difference between this show and the other Tenchi shows?"
I was happy to explain the difference to her. "There were several different Tenchi series," I said. "The first one they aired--and the best one, in my opinion--was Tenchi Muyo! It didn't have very many episodes...it was an OAV." I held up a videocassette and waved it a little. "Original animated video, on videocassette." (I may not have my facts straight on that one, but it was what I said in my dream.) "That was followed by Tenchi Universe--it's better than the one that follows, but not as good as Tenchi Muyo! The animation isn't as good and the plot is kind of silly." Ma was getting ready to lie down now and I was losing her attention. :( Drat. "Then the third one was Tenchi In Tokyo. Not as good as the other two since they changed the animation style so much, but not horrible either. There was at least one more that followed that one, but they haven't shown it yet on American TV."
Well, she was lying down now, and for some reason I was the one to set her alarm. For eight o'clock or something, as she has it set in real life. She asked when I set it for, I told her, and then it was like she wanted it set for a DIFFERENT, EARLIER time. !! SHEESH! "Could you just 'remind' me around seven-thirty?" she said, or something like that...we started to argue back and forth a bit, and the gist of it, that I get from it, was that she wanted me to wake her up at five-minute intervals for like a half hour before she got up. What kind of stupid idea was THAT? She always complains when she has to get up! Often she doesn't even HEAR her alarm and I have to yell at her!
So of course, when she suggested this I got mad and almost started yelling. "I SET your alarm to wake you up," I said. "There's no way I'm going to keep waking you up every five minutes just to go through that irritation!"
She kept insisting, so I'm not sure if I meant to do it or not.
The Drunk-Driving Fine
This dream is an upsetting one. In real life I've been awaiting the arrival of a cassette tape I ordered from Amazon and it did come today. In my dream, it did not. So of course I was disappointed. I think Ma was getting ready to go to work, in late morning or early afternoon. I believe I asked her if anything came for me in the mail, a package, and she said no and I sighed. She was in a hurry and left in a hurry. For some reason she was heading south to work instead of north, and I stood at the front window to watch her go by. I seem to remember seeing two red cars in my dream, but I have written down white cars, which I remember also. So she may have been driving a white car. Anyway, I noticed a white car drive by and watched it, believing it was her as it had a loud muffler (or rather--NO muffler!). I watched it disappear into the south, only to notice ANOTHER white (red?) car go by, also with no muffler. Wha? Which one had she been? Mildly confused and annoyed, I stood and watched that one go by as well, just in case IT was her. That was when I noticed Dad's vehicle coming closer (it seemed to come from the north, meaning I couldn't have seen it in the distance, but it may have been the south). I knew that he'd been drinking. And then I noticed a police car following him. Oh no. He slowed down and pulled in our driveway and I prayed that the police car would just keep on going...but it pulled into our driveway as well.
Oh no...
I immediately went to my room, tears starting to well up in my eyes, and retrieved all the money I had. Sobs started escaping my throat. I kept finding tens lying around and put them all in order, lowest to highest denomination, and may have put them in a little clear plastic holder. Dad was going to get a major ticket. I may as well use MY money to pay for it, since I felt he wouldn't have the money on him. I had maybe around two to three hundred dollars.
I went out through the utility room and outside and saw Dad pull in (though he would have been pulled in already) and then the cop car came up beside/behind him and they both got out. The cop was a man, light brown hair and mustache; I was about to say glasses, perhaps for reading, but I'm not sure. (Maybe shades?) And I feel his outfit was light blue. I suddenly can't remember if any of our cops wear light blue; if they do, it would be the state cops, though the car may have been a county car. ? Oh well. I only say that because it was light colored, and our state cars are dark. (In Cheboygan: city--navy blue cars; county--white cars; state--royal blue cars with a single cherry on top.) ANYWAY--they both came inside, and as soon as Dad did, I just started chewing him out BIG TIME.
He ended up sitting down on a chair in the dining room, facing the living room, with his head in his hands while I screamed in his face (or rather, toward it, I guess). I can't recall what I said, and won't try to duplicate it. This thing is melodramatic enough. :) But basically I screamed at him for drunk driving--"You KNEW this would happen!"--and for getting a ticket when he KNEW we could not afford it. Luckily for him, I had my little stash of money and I'd waste THAT paying for his stupid ticket. This whole time the cop stood off to the side, keeping silent, face neutral. It's a wonder he didn't back out of the room with how I screamed! I ended up going into the living room and sitting down on Dad's end of the couch, getting out my money--now it WAS in some kind of light-colored (yellow?) plastic container--and getting ready to pay for a huge fine. The cop came in too and I think he may have shown me a piece of paper--the ticket?--or something and it had the "price" on it--now, I can't remember if this went from higher to lower, but the price DID change after I had gotten out my money and calculated it. At one point the fine was around $10, at another it was something like $16 (or $20?), perhaps with change. I was surprised, to say the least. I'd expected something over $100!
"Oh," I said. "All right then." Whatever the first price was, I went through my money, pulling out a ten, looking for a one, etc., getting everything mixed up. It seemed whenever I was looking for a particular denomination I couldn't find it, and whenever I found one it wasn't what I needed, and then whenever I tried to put one back it wouldn't go back in the stack willingly. Then when I finally had the "right" amount the cop clarified and I realized I was off. "OH," I said again; "sorry about that." I hated to waste his time. He was only doing his job. I went through the money again and I believe I got the right bills this time, and gave them to him. (Yes, this is weird, looking back on it--taking care of a drunk-driving "ticket" by paying it off with cash--to the cop who issued it! In my dream it was as if you were fined for drunk driving rather than jailed, and the cop issuing the ticket was authorized to accept the payment itself on behalf of the courts or whatever; he wouldn't KEEP it.) Whatever the price was, I took care of the ticket on my own, and was relieved it was so cheap, and the cop left, but I was still INCREDIBLY angry with Dad for being so careless, when he could have been killed.
The Fancy Hotel Fragment
I feel there was a dream fragment dealing with Sailor Moon, its characters, somehow, but can't recall it; and another part seemed to involve Ma and myself and others, possibly in some kind of hotel on a trip elsewhere (to the South?); I seem to remember fancy red carpeting and maybe white stucco walls, a really big nice place, and possibly a cubicle I darted into, or a niche in the wall...but I'm not sure.
2001 Dreams