Fun With Salt!
I was at Pizza Hut, I believe, and another user (on the site where this was originally posted), D. (not the same D. as last night) was there as well, I think. I can't remember what she was doing. I was sitting in a booth with Ma, I believe, and eating something. It seemed to be daytime but maybe overcast/rainy. I discovered a packet of salt next to my arm and opened it up and...well, I think I just started EATING the salt. Ick. Even in the dream it was a bit too much for my palate to handle. So I can't think of why I was doing this. o_O It was a REALLY big packet, unusually so.
I have written down "wr./question on (menu)?--person asking why something's so good, reply--'It's the salt' (?)" Can't remember that part too much. Perhaps I was scribbling questions down on the menu? In any case, somebody with me--maybe not Ma--asked why the food here was so good and that was the answer I provided--"It's the salt." While I sat there eating it from the packet. Yuck.
Well, you DO know that salt makes you thirsty. I quit eating it (thank God!) and picked up my ice water and started gulping that down instead. MAN did it taste good! Now DAD was with us as well and he was making a scrambled egg sandwich. When Dad makes scrambled eggs in real life, they're usually a bit runny but I like them that way. In real life the other day Ma made some and they were a bit dry for my tastes. In the dream, Dad made them and somehow shaped them in the form of a square (just by scooping them out, they came out shaped like a square), and they were kind of...I was going to say foamy but that's not the right word. Not squishy either. Spongy? I think that's the word. They were kind of dry and spongy. Ick. He came up behind me on the right and put the square-shaped scrambled eggs (in one piece) on a piece of bread (toasted?) and I think he was making a sandwich. I was hungry for something besides salt (I think I had pizza or something with me as well, but didn't really want it), and even though those eggs looked awfully dry I was tempted to eat them.
There may have been a bit more conversation and such going on during this dream but as usual, I can't remember it!
(Where are those pirate ships when I need them...)
Where My Will Is Suppressed
This dream took place in under 20 minutes. I was (at the site where this was originally posted) and found a question, I can't recall what it was, but maybe it was another one complaining about the site. I started to post a very long, involved answer about what people could do to help rather than complain but somewhere along the way I decided against it and got rid of my answer. That was when I noticed a link with my name in it--"Tehuti." Like to my profile or something. Only it was like you could "customize" links to include certain words that had to do with them. So, I was wondering why some other person (in an answer?) had posted my name--I suspected it was an insult. (It also had something to do with Martha Stewart at first, but you know how dreams change what you read...)
I clicked on the link with some trepidation and it brought up a new window. (Now I'm not sure that my name was in it anymore.)
First it brought up nothing (the window took a minute, I mean to say). Then the window appeared and an image formed--I felt like wincing and looking away, expecting something bad, but then I could see just the corner of an image and it had weird glowing lights wavering around on a dark background. Very blurry and fuzzy. Like UFO footage. Intrigued now--I realized it wasn't a mean link, but something somebody had either posted or sent to me, believing I would be interested in it--I maximized the window to get a better look. Now it changed to look like dark blurry shapes swimming around underwater, and THEN it looked like a farmhouse in a big field with roiling clouds overhead. Everything was now in shades of brown and sepia. (The house was probably to the left, in the distance.) I have written down "open a new page" so I'm not sure what that means, if I clicked on a link or opened another window, but in any case this picture formed the background image of a story of mine on another site, (Stories.com). The caption for the story (not the title) was "my baby," meaning, it was a story I really liked and had worked hard on. At the bottom of the screen, below it, was the caption "where my will is suppressed"--this was the text link which led to where readers could comment on it. Both of these were written in small letters, no caps. (I ALWAYS use caps.) I also noticed that this particular story had gotten two five-star ratings, and I liked that others had liked it.
I wanted to get a better look at that weird background image but my alarm WOKE ME UP right at that moment because I had it set to go off early! Grrrrrrr!!
Club Confusion
A small dream in the same period as "Where My Will Is Suppressed" but perhaps not in the same dream concerned me starting a private club at Yahoo! or something and posting messages; I was then copying some of them to elsewhere, or perhaps copying other messages to the club, but I came across one that was long and full of links and I knew it wouldn't all fit in one message. So I think I was sitting there wondering what to do; would I take the trouble to post it into two or more messages, typing out the links as well? For some reason I felt I was being watched in that dream, by others contemplating my actions.
Bad Rodent
In this dream, I had a hamster or a rat and it was drinking from the bottle, but then chewing on part of it. That's not much of a dream there at all, sounds more like reality. :)
The Omen Tape
This dream, can't recall too well, I was in my room and had some kind of cassette tape that tied in with the Omen movies somehow. There was a character named Damien who was a young kid, but first a boy and then a girl. (Damien gets a sex change! Ooooooo!) I think I've been thinking too much about my D Is For Damien stories lately...in any case, I have written down "kid talking about growing hair etc.," and I seem to recall the kid--now supposedly a young girl, but really a woman who looked and sounded young, made me think of Linda Blair, WRONG MOVIE!!--talking about growing hair in the armpits or something, and then on other parts of the body. Ewwww. Her voice was kind of high-pitched, not squeaky and not exactly nasal, but I can't think of a better word. I was standing in my room beside my bed checking out the tape jacket. I think it was a pale mint color and had a few pictures, including at least one of Linda Blair/Damien/whoever that kid was. (Black and white, to the left--seemed to be the person wearing black standing at the edge of a windy field.) Inside the jacket there were also lyrics and weird symbols having to do with demons, I think. I puzzled over the symbols and wondered what they meant, but I don't think I ever found out. The tape probably had music on it also if it had lyrics, but all I remember is talking.
Injured Leading The Injured
This dream was a lot more involved and detailed than what I remember, but most of it has faded. I seemed to be in some kind of large mall with family members. Or perhaps they came along later. I can't recall the order of this, but at one point I seemed to be supervising a large group of children--it was kind of like my high school too--and I think this little boy ended up hurt somehow, probably his leg. I had to take him to get help. I must have told the other kids to stay put, and then I picked up the boy and carried him in my arms, seeking help as hurriedly as I could. I was "roleplaying" here--I wasn't myself but some kind of Australian guy, since whenever I talked I talked with an accent and a few times I screwed it up. I feel I was supposed to be a lot taller--not fat, but lean, and tall, maybe kind of athletic--and since this kid was my responsibility, I had to take care of him as best I knew how. As I hurried through this mall (I seem to remember brown or orange at one point--carpeting?--unsure) it was now like I was supposed to have an injury--first maybe my arm, but then I started limping a bit, and then a bit more as I went, hoping people would notice--"Look, I'm injured, but I'm helping the injured boy first!"--kind of like in real life, I guess...in any case I'm not certain who I was looking for, as it seemed to take forever. As I went along it looked more like a mall and less like a school, big wide halls with stores and booths and lots of people crowding them.
And somewhere this all changed. Either the boy became my cat/a cat, or I changed back to myself (?) and picked up the cat. (It was either Pepper or another one, perhaps an orange tabby kitten.) In any case I came upon a little round table sitting outside a cafe or something, and Ma and Grandma B. were here, eating. If I wasn't carrying the cat already, I picked it up when I got here. I believe I was still trying to talk with the accent even though I was "myself" again. I think they may have been wondering where I'd been. I can't remember what else happened--perhaps I eventually got back to my "students" and/or got the poor kid the help he needed, or else went somewhere with my relatives--all I know is there was more to this dream that escapes me.
2001 Dreams