Post-Traumatic Fireworks
The only dream I remember from last night was a really dinky one concerning two users (on the site where this was originally posted), S. and D., and perhaps something to do with the site. But then it was probably Fourth of July because there were fireworks going off. I was at my house--maybe standing in the doorway on the back porch?--and people outside, on the pavement, were setting off all sorts of things. Illegal stuff, probably. ^_^ I kept watching the flashes and sparks and little explosions but my mind was only half on it. I was distracted thinking of something else. Something went off with a bang and I suddenly thought of some guy and realized he must have PTSD (or maybe he was just somebody I was making up). Realizing this--and that the fireworks going off would probably startle him--I glanced up to see some really bright ones go off on the pavement--first these little flames had been falling to the ground, but now something bright and yellow flared up suddenly and then fell. I thought of how that would frighten him.
My cat also figured in here--I have written down "go to get Pepper, bring her back in," so I believe she must have been outside and I went to get her, and, as said, brought her back inside as it was getting late.
I had some more but I didn't remember them when I woke up.
2001 Dreams