Holey Shorts!
Do I even remember this anymore??
All right. I've got this pair of blue shorts that are absolutely worn to death. I mean it. These things need to be TOSSED. Yet I still keep them and I'm wearing them right now because the other shorts were too hot. (Temperaturewise, of course.) They've got a...HOLE starting in the back. ((embarrassed look)) In my dream--yes, I dreamed of my shorts--they were "holier" or "holeyer," however you'd spell that--they had bigger holes. Eesh. If they were really the way they were in the dream, they WOULD be gone by now. I was standing in my room holding them up and stretching them, looking at the big holes.
Damn Communist Anime Plot
In this dream, Dad was getting ready to go to work. However, it seemed much later in the day, and Ma was not home. Just him and me. I felt it was very early afternoon, overcast outside. I think I was getting ready to go to bed. While Dad was walking around getting ready, the phone rang, and we waited to hear who it was. I think it was from Citizens National Bank. Dad leaned into the room after they left the message and said something like, "That wasn't a call requiring me to go downtown, was it?" MEANING: "I don't have to take any time out of my work schedule to pay a bill or go over anything more important, do I?"
I told him I didn't think it was, they just wanted something cleared up or something. He continued doing his thing and I went out to the computer. I'm not certain if it was on and I turned it off, or if I was using it, or what, but there were two large fans running in the dining room and I turned them off--one on the floor, I remember, not certain where the other one was, but it didn't seem to be the ceiling fan. They were very big and dusty and ran really fast. Anyway I shut those off and then went into the living room. I don't remember kissing Dad goodbye.
I knelt down by the front window and leaned on the sill, staring outside. It's like we still had bushes out front (we cut them down a few years ago) but I had a decent view of the lawn and highway. The light outside was soft and white, hinting at rainclouds. As I knelt there I noticed this funny flatbed truck come down the highway. When I say FLAT, I mean FLAT. It's like it didn't even have a cab. Like a pickup, without the...um..."up." o_O Just this weird flat white thing with tires and an orange tarp on it, coming south down the highway. It slowed and stopped out front and then I could hear (though not really see, even where they came from) a couple of guys, workers of some kind, talking to each other. Since I was right in the window I crouched down even lower. I'm not sure if I was naked now or not, but I didn't want them to see me--perhaps they were here to shut something off for failure to pay a bill--even while I wanted to listen in on their conversation.
One of the guys was talking about anime. He was saying something about it all being some sort of Communist ploy against American children or something. I think he mentioned the Communist Japanese, but then either the other guy corrected him--"The CHINESE are the Communists"--or else I really wanted to correct him but kept quiet for fear of being discovered. In any case I believe I went to my room to go to bed around that time, though I may have read for a while, or used the computer, and THEN gone to bed.
(I have written down there "after 11, go to bed?" But that may be an "ll," and then again I may have been half asleep when I wrote it so it may not be spelled correctly. So I'm not sure what that means.)
Supermarket Cop
In this dream, there was more to the beginning but I can't remember it; it ended up with me walking through Glen's, from the back to the front, up one of the aisles closer to the fresh produce section of the store. I was acting all cool and casual and I get the feeling I was pretending to be one of the characters in one of my D Is For Damien stories, probably one of the detectives. As I walked through I think I passed or came up to another character, a person who was supposed to be Officer Brown. I may have been flipping something in my hand, but now I think I had a nightstick (weird thing for a DETECTIVE to have) and I may have jokingly poked at him with it as I went. (He was to my right.) As I went by I noticed first that part of the ceiling over me and very slightly to the left seemed to be damaged and caving in, but then I saw it was in fact a camera keeping its eye on everyone in the store. VERY large, clunky black thing. There may have been one of those dark plastic domes that they sometimes hide them behind (not in Glen's in real life though), but the camera was sticking out of it. Rather conspicuous, I thought. Oh yes. Perhaps I didn't poke "Brown" with the nightstick at all, perhaps I had just been playing around with it. I shook his hand, instead, and then went on my way.
Puns Are Not Fun
Somewhat confusing. I think I may have been lying in bed, but then I was trying to come up with all the "big moments" in my D4D stories. ("Big moments" meaning important moments, pivotal moments.) One of them was supposed to be the character Elise finally telling Damien she loved him. (I know this makes absolutely no sense to everyone who hasn't even read the stories--sorry!) Now this may have been me thinking of something slightly different, or it may have been my story; not sure. But there was this really, REALLY dorky bad guy (?) who was trying to act all cool and witty, and he was just a TOTAL idiot. I could NOT stand him. I wouldn't even WRITE about somebody this moronic. He tried to make a pun but it didn't work out, and then he tried to make another one but a different guy said something that completely spoiled the meaning--he said something that threw the dorky guy off track, and the dorky guy responded to that and ruined the meaning of the pun. Then he got mad--"That was NOT the meaning (of the word) I was talking about!" (The pun had centered on the meaning of a particular word, and when this other guy spoke up and derailed the dork's train of thought, he'd gone along with the second meaning of the word and screwed it all up.) So of course he got mad and blamed the other guy, but sheesh, I blamed the idiot for being so stupid to think he could actually sound cool. BLECH!
And then I think in the dream I lay down on my side for a long time, awake.
(I think it was daytime in that dream but my windows were thoroughly covered and the light was on--dimly.)
Well, surprising that I actually remembered that this late in the day! Though it could STILL stand to use a bit more that's of interest...
2001 Dreams