Fun With Gift Certificates
I've been "forgetting" them the past couple of days, not sure if it was on purpose or to make anybody happy; I even forgot about the couple I had last night until now. They're short and dull anyway.
This one concerned me earning and redeeming gift certificates. Last night in real life I got a gift certificate from Amazon and was trying to log in to Webcertificate to view my balance and maybe order a tape. When I viewed my balance I got in easily; but a few minutes later when I tried to get in to see my account number, it would load the front page, and the login page, but nothing else. It would just stall and stall and stall. I couldn't get in again last night and I got REALLY upset. (I was already having a bad night.) I got in there today with no problems, but it showed up in my dream. In my dream I got a gift certificate for Amazon, and then one for Webcertificate, and then another one, etc., and I was trying to redeem all these certificates at the same time while keeping myself organized. I had no idea what I was doing. (I seemed to be in my bedroom, to boot.) I had all these little dinky gift certificates and no idea what I was doing with them or how best to spend them!
VCR Anxiety
This dream dealt with me trying to record a program only this time at least it wasn't Dragon Ball Z, it was Cardcaptors (which isn't currently airing on Toonami anymore). I had to get up earlier to record it or something; I believe I thought I had gotten up too late, but the show hadn't started yet. But then I had to rewind the tape to the right part. Well, I wasn't even certain what the right part was. I just kept rewinding and checking the tape, and I kept getting more and more anxious as the dream went on. And then when I really DID wake up it had been so real I was all on edge.
I think I just have a lot of VCR anxiety.
If I'm going to start remembering these again, I'm going to have to remember some more
2001 Dreams