Women On The Run
Yesterday I had a dream with one part involving two women, one chasing the other around this building; it was overcast but nice out, looked ready to rain, it was some old rundown building, and the women were dark haired. The one being chased may have been me or I may have been both of them, but it was both observation and roleplaying. She was desperately in search of something or someone, and the other, chasing lady was trying to get her and calm her down or help her. I think there was a fire in here too. I didn't take notes on it though so I didn't remember it well enough to describe when I got up.
The Hunt For Dad's Tapes
One dream of last night concerned a couple of tapes that Dad wanted Ma and me to fetch. A very, very, very long time ago he had borrowed or else someone had just given him these two really old Christmas movies or something, and now he wanted to give them back. But it had been a really long time ago, and we would have to look for them. At first it was just me doing this, but then I enlisted Ma's help because I was NOT going to dig around alone.
"I know where they are," I had to raise my voice above Dad's, since he just kept blathering in monotone about how we'd better get those tapes back. (More of his "threats" to get us to cooperate.) "They were in this box upstairs, under the garbage bag that has my old toys in it. But I need Ma's help because it's messy up there and it'll involve a lot of digging."
So Ma and I went upstairs while Dad still blathered. I went up ahead of her and I was SWEARING as I went. I can't remember exactly what I said, but I was mimicking Dad in a snotty voice, then I said the F word and something like, "He doesn't have to BITCH so much when he wants something done." I thought Ma would be shocked, and maybe she was, but she was behind me so I couldn't see her.
Now for some reason the two movies had some sort of theme, like one was "Men," and the other was "Ladies." Ma and I got upstairs and I was ready to start digging when I noticed how CLEAN the room was! This was Eric's old room when he used to live with us, and in real life it is now a horrid MESS. JUNK and boxes EVERYWHERE. But in my dream, it was walkable again, with maybe just one box and a bit of debris on the floor. "Who cleaned it?!" I screeched. Ma came in and informed me that some guys had come along and cleaned out the old stuff and taken it to the Goodwill or something! That wouldn't have bothered me, had not a lot of the stuff been MINE!
"So where's MY stuff then?" I asked, trying very hard not to panic. "You didn't let them take MY stuff too, did you??"
She moved aside and vaguely pointed out a couple of boxes sitting in the other room across the hall (it's not really a hall, just a space between the two rooms where the stairway comes up to meet the top). That was my stuff, apparently, though it didn't look like ALL of it. "Well," I said, "they better not have taken any of MY stuff!" I griped, and we went back into the room. An additional problem, I pointed out, was that since they had cleaned the place--perhaps they had taken the movies WITH them!
So, they were no longer where I knew they were. There was a bit of stuff on the floor we could pick through. I found a little clear plastic container with some junk in it near the closet and started digging around while Ma did something else. It had a lot of little knick-knacks in it. And now it wasn't really movies we were looking for, but special disks, and then pennies that were SUPPOSED to be movies.
By "disks," I mean 3.5" computer disks. It was like these were movie cassettes, disks, and pennies all at once. They looked more like pennies with writing on them, done in black marker. For a moment it's like I was looking for something else, or else got caught up in looking at the other stuff. I found one for "Men" and one for "Ladies," or else just one. Then I found some that were labeled with the contents I had put on computer disks, like my stories and such. I can't remember any specifically except for "Camo," the name of a character I've made up. I figured this "disk" contained info about him. I hadn't known these were up here.
Okay, I remember this now. I couldn't find the "Ladies" "tape" and so Ma and I had to go down half-emptyhanded. Now Ma was getting ready to go to the casino so she wasn't in the room to face Dad when *I* had to. >:( Of course. I gave Dad the one tape/penny and he said, "Where's the other?" I had to tell him I couldn't find it.
"Well, you'd better find it," he said, threatening again. Can't recall what else he said, bla bla, but it's just like he does in real life. I believe he started to get angry, too.
I finally got mad and said, "It's not THERE. I can't find it if it's not THERE. Some guys came and cleaned out the room and they probably took it with them!"
I didn't know this for certain, but what else would explain it? And at least he accepted the explanation! I didn't want to start an argument.
Like I said, Ma was getting ready to go to the casino. She was pretty neutral and "lifeless" throughout this whole dream, like a robot. The other day in real life she went to the casino after work--she never gets home until after midnight--and Dad told me to tell her (OF COURSE he can never tell her HIMSELF), "When she gets home you tell her this casino stuff is going to stop." Yeah Dad, that'll work. Whatever. I wish it would stop too, but threatening ME to threaten HER isn't going to do the trick.
So I think this put me on edge in the dream, since he was already in a bad mood. But he didn't say anything about it. I can't recall the exact order of what happened next. (I think I may have screwed this up a bit, I have written down "Ma goes to casino & me to my room," and THEN have Dad asking me where the tape is.) But I was watching Ma leave. Dream may have changed a bit here, as I went out to the utility room to watch her leave--she was going east, in a strange direction, down the side road--and watched her car disappear from view. It was daytime, sunny outside. And then for some reason I saw my brother Eric standing out in the driveway. /:( Strange, since he wasn't even living here in my dream! He was walking around the house, staring in the windows like he was inspecting the place. I followed his progress past the window, then I went into the dining room to see if I could see him go past there. (I was way inside the room, not near the window.) Yep, I could see him. Then I went into the living room. At first it hadn't bothered me, but then his staring reminded me of those dreams I have where kids are staring in all the windows. He was at a distance, several feet away from the house, and I know he knew I was inside but wasn't staring at me, but it still began to bother me.
At one point I went back upstairs to make sure I couldn't find the tape. At this point there was a brief bit about a member (on the site where this was originally posted), G., and her views on President Bush. I remember looking at this piece of light cardboard or poster board and it was dark blue and glossy with white text on it, and she was talking about how she thought Bush was doing a poor job.
Bomber Intrigue
One dream fragment involved me being at the computer and I could hear Xena (Lucy Lawless)
screeching and such on TV, and I thought that was odd as I heard the series is over, but then again that may really have happened...
Another tiny part (possibly from the dream "The Hunt For Dad's Tapes"?) had a picture of warplanes, bombers kind of like those lost in the Bermuda Triangle, only this was supposed to be WWII I think and there were a whole bunch of them, about three formations facing right. Ma and Dad and I were interested in this for some reason. Then Dad (?) started counting them to see how many were there. There was more to that dream, explaining why we were interested in this picture, but I can't recall it.
There may also have been something about rap music, don't remember.
The Mystery Of The Magic Flute
This dream had to do with the old Smurfs movie about the Magic Flute. I watched that in real life when I was really little, then watched it again when I was older, but the tape by then was bad (it was a rental, but in very poor condition). In the dream I was watching Looney Tunes on TV (daytime?) and Ma, sitting on the couch beside me, turned to me and asked, "Do you remember an old cartoon with Bugs Bunny and a lion?"
"Yeah," I said. "That was The Magic Flute and I watched it when I was little." She was surprised that I even remembered; she'd thought I wouldn't.
(Now, I don't think I need to say that the Smurfs movie does NOT feature Bugs Bunny NOR a lion. But it did in my dream.)
I went on talking about it while she listened. I told her I'd watched it when I was very little, and then again, but the tape had been bad. Only now it hadn't been a lion but some kind of French dog, maybe who was a prince. (French as in from France.) I outlined the parts I remembered--but now I can't remember what they were, since they probably didn't take place anyway. I even described where the tape had gone bad. She couldn't believe I actually remembered it. Then the story took a weird tangent. "I told C. about it once," I said, C. being you-know-who, HE who has tried to make my online life a living hell. My voice turned surprised itself now. "That was a mistake. Now he knows a lot about me. A LOT."
For some reason, having told C. about my watching the movie revealed a lot of personal information about myself. It was just something weird about The Magic Flute. Just by revealing you'd watched it you told a lot more about yourself than you intended to. This baffled me, how he'd figured out so many things about me just from this mention, but I suspected there was something strange about that movie. Oh well. Too late to do anything about it. Now I realized that the movie had been on TV not that long ago or else was on now, and I was peeved with myself that I hadn't recorded it since the store rental had been so bad! But the TV version may have been on A&E and was only an hour long, maybe hosted by Bill Kurtis?, so I figured they had cut some parts out for time. I didn't want a chopped-up version anyway.
Marilyn Monroe, Mentor
One little dream had to do with Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon. Somehow they had known each other, and Marilyn had "taught" John things or been his mentor, like a father-figure only she was a woman. <:) That was a bit of a surprise. I was standing by my bed in that dream, facing it, and it was dim in my room yet light outside. I may have been reading this information.
What's News?
I was listening to the radio in my room at night or very early morning, getting ready to "dance." It seemed to be a different time, possibly later than usual though I think my parents were up, but oh well. The radio program distracted me though. They were talking about tombs and such, and they were going to talk about the Great Pyramid. I'm not very interested in the Great Pyramid, but this program had been intriguing so far, and I wanted to know what exactly they were going to talk about and when. Because I wanted to listen to my music and I didn't have much time left to get it done! I had to go to the bathroom, so I took this big newspaper, like the Sunday edition, to the bathroom with me. They often had schedules, so I'd look to see if it said anything about this program. As I sat there I did find a radio schedule for the current programming on the front page, but it wasn't very specific, it was more like highlights, and it didn't give the time of the Great Pyramid segment. *sigh* I'd have to either give up the music and listen to the program or give up the program and listen to the music. I don't recall if I ever got to do either as I got caught up in the paper itself!
On the upper right was some tiny article about an "Internet madman" who wanted to float to eternity on the backs of some logs drifting down a river. Yep, that's a weird one. It made me think of Heaven's Gate, as he was this crazy guy really involved with the Internet, and he wanted to spend time in "eternity," and that was how he thought it would be done, by riding lying down on these floating logs. I don't know if it was a picture or if I just imagined it, but I could see him lying down on some floating logs, going down this big wide river with pines to both sides. You know how loggers float logs down the river...that's what this was like.
Another article taking up most of the front page, lower and on the left, was a local interest article having to do with fish spawning. They were either trout or salmon. The article specifically named them and the name was similar to "Quahog," this New Englandy-sounding name; I also remember that the article said their spawning offered "perspective" on the Mackinaw region/Mackinaw City area. (So I'm assuming this was extreme northern lower Michigan.) There was a big full-color picture of one of the fish, underwater (though the shot was taken half above, half below water, so you could see both the fish below and the trees and surface above). It was a closeup, and very large; the fish was turning to face the camera, tail to the right, head to the left. I particularly noticed its chin. It had this strange..."mottled" isn't the right word for the pattern there. It wasn't a color but a texture. Round shapes. When I saw it I thought of oysters. Sometimes when you're eating oysters from the can, you'll come across a few with this round spot on them, just this smooth shiny round spot. That's what this fish's chin looked like, only it was several, about five or six round spots bunched close together. If you've never noticed this on an oyster then I can't really explain it. <:)
The Death Of Sailor Moon
One last dream of the night had to do with Sailor Moon. I was in my room staring at the spot where I kept the SM movies I bought not too long ago, and they may still have been there in my dream. (They're on the shelf in the living room now.) I suddenly remembered this story arc, I'm not sure if it was in a movie or the next, unaired season, or in the previous one, but Rini (Sailor Moon's daughter) had been killed in battle, and this particular storyline dealt with Darien's (Sailor Moon's husband) reaction to the death. (These were future Rini and present Serena (Sailor Moon) and Darien.) Darien was devastated and depressed. I wondered how Serena herself would feel, but then I think she was killed too, and of course by this point Darien was ready to LOSE it! (I wasn't watching this, just standing in my room remembering what had happened and wondering about the characters' reactions.) I know he would not want to live without either of them. But then in the story they were all reborn in the future, in 30th-century Crystal Tokyo, so things were all right again.
That's it...
2001 Dreams