Stop It, Sharon!
All right. I wish I had more time to post my dreams during the day when I DO remember them better, if at all...
This dream concerned my brother Eric, my little cousin Sharon, and myself. We were all seated on the couch in the living room watching Mobile Suit Gundam. The show hasn't even started airing on Toonami yet, and even when it does I probably won't be watching; Gundam Wing was BORING. But watching it we were. It was light out, probably summer; I was eating a candy bar, and Sharon was eating some S'mores. I can't remember much of what I have written down, but based on that, I had to move the cat and/or some of my stuff so either she or I could sit down. She turned to me and offered me some of her S'mores, but I tried to resist. I didn't WANT any. It had been in grubby little kid hands! Still, she pushed it in my mouth before I could do anything, so I didn't really have a choice. I think I also had a drink in my hand, milk, and when she shoved the S'mores in my mouth she jostled me so it spilled in my lap. There wasn't very much of it in the glass to start with though, so I didn't get mad. Eventually I sorted things out and we went back to watching TV. (I believe Sharon sat on my left, Eric on my right; it's like he was babysitting us or something.)
I wonder why I'm dreaming about Eric so much lately? He's supposed to come up here next month, and I'd love to be able to show him and his wife Shannon around Mackinac Island. She's never been there before. Knowing my luck though they'd just want to look at all the dinky shops. ;P
The Jungle Chase
This dream is very, very confusing. Ma and Dad and I were in Dad's Explorer and we were on the run, escaping someplace; we were involved in something important, on a mission, and now we were trying to get away. Perhaps we were also looking for someone as well. We were driving up and down these weird little narrow streets in some strange place; they were cobblestone, the buildings on both sides (short but maybe multistoried, offwhite, blocky, primitive things) pressing in closely, everything damp and overcast yet warm. I remember in particular we got to one VERY high, VERY steep path and went up, up, up; in real life this vehicle probably wouldn't be able to fit on this path at all. We noticed there was a block of some sort (like a big creamy-colored box, about three feet tall, long and narrow) in the middle of the road, and I got out to move it; we weren't moving very fast. Then we went down, down, down the other side, and perhaps by an alley (on the right?). All of this had something to do with POWs or something. Perhaps we were searching for some? In any case, we drove by this outside diner or cafe, and the people, rather well dressed like we were on some sort of resort island, were seated at little outside tables talking to each other, oblivious to us. The tables were on this pavement...I don't want to call it pavement, as it wasn't, it was kind of like clay tiles or rock...can't really describe it since I don't know what it was. Big asymmetrical natural shapes, the color of terracotta, perhaps with black veins in between them. Smooth and flat, very nice looking. It seemed sunny now. We pulled up close to this (it was on the left, perhaps with a slight overhang from the building which I never saw, with trees around), and may have gotten out.
If they were not the same dream, then this may have shifted into "Mononoke & The Maggots."
Mononoke & The Maggots
If they were not the same dream, then this may have shifted out of "The Jungle Chase."
This dream gets even stranger so all I can do is go by what I have written down, this makes so little sense. The dream had something to do with Princess Mononoke. She showed up in here somewhere. I remember seeing her standing on a porch, like a deck out front of a house similar to my Grandma B.'s house only on a different side. And I ended up kind of jogging up or down this trail, perhaps to the porch, but there were these very long, thin bamboo sticks, like chimes, poking out in a row and I brushed against them--there were two batches--and they started making a tinkling, jangling sound. I put my hand around them so they'd stop. (They too were on my left, just sticking out in a tuft, all lined up like panpipes.) I think somebody may have been shooting at me. Then there may have been some fighting on the porch (?), and Lady Eboshi from Princess Mononoke may have been involved; SOME woman was. THEN I was supposed to be following Princess Mononoke to some kind of island--there were two islands named, one was Bora or something like that (not Bora Bora, just Bora--I think the other one started with a B and was short as well). We had some kind of plan going on--I think I was going to pretend to be her. Then we were going through some kind of jungle or something! I was on a bike, I think, as I seemed kind of high up from the ground, in a seated position, knees bent in front of me; only I don't remember the front of the bike, so it may have been a unicycle! All I'm sure of is that we were now going through some high grass, perhaps through a field toward some scrubby trees, and I looked down and noticed some worms or maggots of some sort crawling around either on my left leg or on something BY my left leg. "EWW!!" I gasped, brushing them off in a panic. It's kind of like I EXPECTED them to be there, because something was rotting or something, but they'd still caught me off guard, and were disgusting. I really freaked out. Then I seemed to be with several other people (were my parents around??) and I asked them all if they'd eaten anything strange lately. The maggots had something to do with this. It's as if they signified bad food (well, duh) or poison, and I suspected they'd been put there or something, on purpose, so I wanted to know if anyone had eaten anything recently, because they may have been poisoned. Meat figured in here, but I don't recall a resolution; I have written down "go home?" but as the question mark hints, I have no idea.
What's Your Name Again?
In one small dream I was at (the site where this was originally posted) and a user there had signed a question with the symbol for his name--I think it was supposed to be (username omitted--contains the word "Pi")--perhaps the answer was deleted, but I had seen the little pi symbol (only in the dream, it had an accent over it, like over the letter é), and I wanted to know how he had made it.
Anatomically Correct
This is another bizarre, kind of embarrassing one. I had ordered either a doll or a doll program of some sort. It's like it alternated between being a real 3D doll and a flat image on the screen or on a piece of plastic (like those Color Forms or whatever they were called). Well, my doll arrived--it was like those dollz you find online that you design yourself by putting clothes and such on them--and she was naked. It was this image of a blond woman sitting Indian style in the grass/jungle/forest (all I know is it was green around her), facing straight ahead. Kind of cartoony looking. But she was naked, and the areas over her breasts and private region had been blurred. Not blacked out, just blurred. Very strange, I thought.
It's like I could manipulate the blur. I could pull it aside, like it was a piece of cloth, and put it back on if I wanted. I was wondering if she was really naked under there, or if she was like a Barbie, just shaped that way. How detailed had they made this thing? I felt kind of embarrassed that the harmless-seeming doll I'd ordered might actually be "anatomically correct," but I was curious to see for myself.
Well, long story short, she really WAS naked under that blur. I pulled it aside and saw for myself! I had no idea they would have made my doll with everything intact like that!
And for some reason it's like I wanted to remove the blur to make her "authentic" or something. I did this by rubbing it off. First her breasts showed, then her private area. Sheesh, why can't I have a non-embarrassing dream for once. But then I reconsidered--I wasn't the ONLY person who would be seeing this doll. I think I then tried putting the blur back over her, but it was harder to put it ON than to take it OFF!
I decided not to dwell on that too long--she'd come with clothes and accessories, and I had gotten her to dress her up and such. But then I realized I needed a MALE doll as well. I hadn't ordered one. Fooey. By this point the female doll was 3D and you could stand her up, perhaps pose her; I remembered that I had an older doll in my room that I had designed to look like the god Horus--he was smaller than she was, but he was a guy, so he would do. I went to fetch him (I was in my room with the female doll on my bed) from my bookshelf; he was around a foot tall, perhaps a bit less. That was about how big she was too, but he was a bit shorter. He looked kind of amateurish; I think I had designed his falcon head and headdress (the body and regular head had already been manufactured, I just modified it) out of Friendly Plastic, and I'm not the best sculptor, so the results showed. ;) But I had gotten these two to pose them, perhaps the reason I recently bought a couple of wooden artist's mannequins in real life, so like I said, they would do!
Old Bookstore, New Bookstore
Another confusing dream involved Ma and myself going to a nice little bookstore. At first when we went in they were closing, but perhaps we convinced them to stay open a bit longer. Ma may have known the lady running it. Very kindly lady. The store had a new part and an old part, and the books in each part were different. Perhaps old books in the old part and new books in the new? I think I was in the old part first and looking around, but then I noticed the new part and thought there might be something interesting in there. I think I was looking for New Age/occult and psychology-type books, as always. I walked into the other part--at first it was lighter than the first part, but not much different--but then it's like I was in the K of C hall in town, walking toward the front, and someone came up to me on the left and gave me some kind of Bible book. It wasn't a Bible, but something related to it, perhaps a book ABOUT the Bible. I didn't really want it, but she gave it to me, free, and it would have been rude to turn it down. So I accepted it and walked on. I was more interested in looking for other books. I seemed to be in a used-book section again.
In this part of the store there were sets of books for sale, like encyclopedias, lined up along the wall, and I think I pointed them out to Ma. I was looking for something in particular now but I don't recall what it was. Earlier in the dream when we had gone into the store, it had been a lot smaller and "cozier," with warm lighting and nice earthtones and carpeting. Now it was big and wide and yellow with light coming in through the doors. I'd liked it a lot better before, when it had seemed to be evening and almost enchanted. I preferred the friendly older lady who had greeted us at the counter in the smaller part of the store, to the friendly older lady who gave me the Bible book. I kind of felt like the latter had been pushing something on me, when the former hadn't. I don't like pushy people; I always cringe inwardly when someone asks, "Are you looking for something?" (YEAH, I am--now go away!!)
An Uncertain Mystery
This dream is really vague and fuzzy. Something about being at home, and a hamster or other rodent, and I was in my kitchen; the stove light was on, so perhaps it was night. I have written down "in box?" WHAT may have been in a box, I don't know--the hamster, myself? There was some kind of murder and/or kidnapping mystery; sheesh...I can't recall this at all. I have written down: "?, home, hamster?, in kitchen, in box?, murder/kidnapping mystery?, little girl?, rolling on tracks, I try to explain what happened to her, wrong story?, forgot about hamster, it sitting on couch, pick it up, Dad to bed, TV show?, feed him?"
See how much sense you can make out of that. ;)
But anyway, this little girl was involved in a kidnapping or murder mystery. At one point somebody was rolling around on either a railroad track or a patch of gravelly ground that was supposed to be a railroad track; it's like the person was me, because I could see and feel the gravel against my right leg. (Small white gravel, like in fish tanks maybe, in a narrow strip on the ground.) I thought maybe it was the little girl who had been doing this, but then I was trying to explain something that had happened (the mystery?) to her (or to someone else??), and I may have told her the wrong story so I had to try again. It was like explaining the plot of a movie to someone who hasn't been paying attention. In any case, I had forgotten about my hamster, which may have been in the box in the kitchen, a cardboard box; I had to find him. I located him sitting on Dad's end of the couch in plain view, just minding his own business. Aw. Good hamster. (It definitely seemed to be late evening/night in this dream, as the lights were on.) I may have had some trouble picking him up. Dad was going to bed (yep, nighttime!), and there was a TV show on--maybe it had to do with the mystery?--and I was feeding my hamster.
Sheesh, lame selection tonight!
2001 Dreams