After Sunset

I didn't take notes so I barely remember this by now, sorry.

Before I had this dream I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, and as I went back into my room the cat slipped in past me and dashed under my bed. It took me perhaps five or seven minutes just to flush him out with a squirt bottle! Something had really scared him, and he tends to hide under furniture when that happens. My dad's bed and my bed are the "safest" furniture he knows and Dad's room was inaccessible to him so as soon as I opened my door, in he went! This frustrated me terribly since I cannot sleep with him in my room (he tends to explore...and knock stuff over), and I was very irritated over having to waste some sleep time just trying to force him out. I think this affected at least the beginning of my dream. Oh, I believe I noticed, before I got rid of him, that it was still somewhat light outside since it was just before six I think (I had woken up at the wrong time for some reason), and that surprised me because I'm just so used to it being dark around five or six PM; the days are growing longer already.

All right...the beginning of the dream is the only part I seem to clearly remember anymore, which is a shame because it was the REST of it that was interesting! -_- I guess I'd gotten up to go to the bathroom or had simply woken up for some reason, and the covering was not over my southwest window (facing west--I call it "southwest" because it's closer to the south side of the house--I have two west windows and one south), or else I had taken it down to look outside. I believe I was naked since I sleep that way; I leaned on the headboard of my bed and looked out my window. The sun seemed high but I knew it was sunset because the sky was getting dark and there were golden edges to the clouds. The bright sun and clouds contrasting with the dark sky made this seem much like a "darkness falling" dream though the anxiety feeling I get in those dreams wasn't present here. I was surprised to see the sunlight and I remarked, "It's still light out! Huh!" But I knew the sun would be setting very soon since it was starting to get dark.

And then all of a sudden, the sun was gone--poof, like that. This surprised me even more since it was so fast! I hadn't even seen it set--it was just there one minute, and then gone. The quickness of the sunset made me feel a little uneasy, but I shrugged it off. What's odd is that it seemed to set below a cloudbank HIGH in the sky, in the northwest (I just realized...that's the direction the sun sets in in summer around here--at this time of year it sets closer to the southwest), whereas the horizon itself is MUCH lower--the sun was almost overhead and to my right when it disappeared. Perhaps that confused me as well, though it didn't seem so much abnormal as just really sudden.

I thought that the gold gilding the sunset had given the clouds was very pretty--perhaps it did the same to the treetops (I can't remember if there were leaves or if they were bare), and so I leaned on my elbows and continued to stare up at the sky even though I was supposed to be going back to bed. The sky now grew very dark, nighttime dark, and this is where I'm afraid I practically cannot even remember it anymore. :( I do recall that at some point I saw a small, bright, round orange light in the sky, then it either disappeared or moved--I think it went on its way, maybe headed north. I seemed to see a few of these in succession and I began to wonder what they were. At first it hadn't startled me--it's like it had some sort of explanation--but then I started to grow VERY uneasy. I got the thought, I believe, that they were helicopters or something at first--something normal--but then I thought they might be UFOs. Just these bright orange dots appearing or zooming into view and then zooming on. At some point I got a feeling of both UFOs and helicopters; maybe I thought of the Men In Black chasing them. I continued watching these things with growing anxiety because I didn't know what they were or what they were doing, and I had a distinct feeling I should not be watching them; I was plainly visible in my window to anyone who might be outside, and what if they saw me watching this illicit light show and came to get me?

And there WAS more to it after that...what followed after I first saw the lights. I feel it was not anything horribly climactic or dramatic, but by now I simply do not remember a trace of it. :( Maybe I just went around the house talking about the lights; I don't know. Sorry.

2005 Dreams